- Murrieta Valley High
- Español I - click for more
- Español I - Trabajo de clase #5 (1-4)
Español I 2020: Classwork#2.3 (U3E1) - What does Puerto Rico offer on the
weekend? Let's talk to classmates, friends, and family about it☺!
# Date Classwork
1. 28 Feb Take brief notes on classmates' "Librito" presentations (10-
15 classmates).
2. 3/4 of Mar Write 5 activities you saw in the short film "Cuerdas." Also,
write 3-5 sentences about what you like about it.
3. 5/6 of Mar 2 Quizzes (shorter if you have homework/notes):
a. Write 5 (or 10) new vocab words / phrases to share/study
b. Write 5 (or 10) notes from classmates
Español I 2020: Classwork#2.2 (U2E3) - Many activities to practice in class!
What activities (indoor/outdoor?) fill your free time? Let's talk about it☺!
# Date Classwork
(not #1. 6/7 of Feb - Read En Contexto on p 142-3. What activities are
"Good practice" people doing? Draw 5 activity pics and say who is
doing them. Change the subject to someone you know
1. 10/11 of Feb Write 5 new words to study and use (U2E3).
Write 5-10 St. Valentine's words (class handout)
2. 12/13 of Feb Write 5 sequence words. Talk to neighbors and find out
who had the same activites ("Yo también): Primero>
Entonces> Despues (de) / Antes (de)>Luego>Por fin
3. 18/19 of Feb Create 2-3 sets of 5 verbs (activities). Prep the librito.
4. 20/21 of Feb Copy 10 sentences from a class copy about activities:
5 with "ir + a + inf" and 5 with regular present tense.
Turn in Trabajo de Clase #2.2 for full credit el 28 de febrero.
Español I 2020: Classwork #2.1 (U2E2) - Classwork is a great time
to practice what you want to say outside of class☺. Talk to someone☺!
# Date Classwork1. 14/15 of Jan From the 10 most difficult MC Final problems,write notes to help you learn from them andprep for a quiz (and to use this knowledge)2. 16/17 > 29/30 Listen to presentations about "break" andJanuary write 5-10 summaries (apodo, fact & a question).3. 23/24 of Jan Create a personal 3x5 card: pic at 8 years old,school schedule; likes at school and home and goals4. 16/17 of Jan Copy 2 lines of "Tu Sonrisa" by Elvis Crespo5. 29/30 of Jan Prep for the U2E2 Exam"1. "Escuchar" - write a few lines you understood2. Read the "Lectura" - write a few lines, reaction3. Grammar / Culture: la torta and Esatdio Azteca4. Prep the Speaking part (answer 4 questions)5. Writing about school schedules.Trabajo de clase is due 4 /5 of Feb for full credit.Sp I 2019: Classwork #5: Classwork can be studied☺!
# date Spiral classwork
1. 4/5 of Dec Write notes in Mas Practica pages 37 (-ar verbs)
and page 39 (adverbs of frequency)
2. 4/5 of Dec Play Jeopardy to review U2E1. Write 5+ answers
and questions.
3. 11/12 of Dec Review for the Mult. Choice Final by writing 10+
phrases (vocab, grammar and cultural)
4. 11/12 of Dec Pre-write the Writing Final (3 paragraphs). Use
the handout.
"Trabajo de clase" is due Dec 13/16. Show work to Sr. C. Do not
turn it in. Keep it so you can use it to study for the Final.
Sp I 2019: Classwork #4: When classwork spills over into your life,
and your life does the same...you've got something.
# date Spiral classwork
1. 12/13 de Nov a. Play "2 truths and a lie" in groups of 4 (per 1/2 and 4).
Write 10 sentences about what you learned about each
b. Take a "Reverse" vocab quiz - Write 10 unknown words
from the U1E3 list (p.91) and learn them (draw them...)
2. 14/15 of Nov a. Complete the "Numbers" Worksheet (guessing game)
b. Complete the U1E3 vocab quiz on the back of the wkst.
c. copy the family tree, "Mi familia♥"
3. 18/19 of Nov Complete the 4 co-operative quizzes from U1E3.
4. 18/19 of Nov U1E3: Te presento a mi familia? Write the topics to be
understood in this Etapa.
Turn in Trabajo de clase el 22 de nov / 2 de diciembre for full credit☺.
Sp I 2019: Spiral Classwork #3 - U1E2: Classwork is of greater value
outside of class☺!
# date Spiral classwork
1 17/18 of Oct Write notes about appearance and clothing (see text p.58)
2. 23/24 of Oct List 6-8 characters in Coco. Describe 3 people you know.
3. 23/24 of Oct Write and speak about Coco and your self. Write 2-3
sentences every 15 minutes (personality, phyisical traits, hair,
eyes and clothes)
4. 29/30 of Oct Practice quizzes (4): Write 20 phrases from U1E2 / Eval #3.
Trabajo de clase is due el 5/6 de nov
Sp I 2019: Spiral Classwork #2 - EP: Classwork is completed in class,
but it ought to stay on my mind long after leaving class☺!
# date Spiral classwork
1. 24/25 of Sept Immersion PowerPoint: Write/apply and share
2 (or more) topics. 1. Exps of Sr. C 2. Fail forward
3. Bilingual brain benies 4. Learning Sp in Sp. 5. Lower
anxiety 6. Social/Emotional Learning 7. Brain Science:
neuroplasticity 8 Circumlocution.
2. 24/25 of Sept Write the list of your classmates "apodos."
There will be a quiz on "apodos" (nicknames)
3. 2/3 of October Read, summarize and comment on the article about
fires in the Amazon. Why is the Amazon important
and what are the causes of the fires. 5-10 cognates.
4. 2/3 of October With 4 mariachi songs, write what happened or
what people did in the songs. Make comments☺.
5. 8/9 of October Notes and practice with conversations and
Turn in Trabajo de clase #2 el 10/11 de octubre for full credit.
Sp I 2019: Spiral Classwork #1 - EP: Some of my best friends are
going to come from this class. I can just feel it☺!
# date Spiral classwork
1. 16/19 of Aug "Explain" 15 words using 3 tools for circumlocution:
Draw (Pictionary) 5, Act out (Charades) 5 and
Describe (Headbands) 5. (Draw and label 15 words)
2. 20/21 of Aug Same as above, but use vocab from Etapa Preliminar,
page 1-21. Groups of Pinguinos (4).
3. 22/23 of Aug Read the article about ice cream (lectura = a reading)
Write 5-10 Cognates and complete the handout (#1-#5)
4. 26/27 of Aug Read, Complete and Color pages 3-10 in the cognate
packet (15 min).
5. 28/29 of Aug Read, Complete and Color pages 3-10 in the cognate
packet (15 min).
6. 30 of Aug / Write the 3 Mnemonic devices for 20 Spanish speaking
Countries (My Gorilla...Victor can't...Every Child...)
Sp I-2019: Spiral classwork - U3E3: What's the best weather for
all of your favorite activities? Spanish is good in any weather☺!
# date Spiral work
1. 29/30 of April a. pic. comment on the weather and activities
b. create a 10 word vocab list (U3E3 p. 235)
2. 1/2 of May a. pics = the four seasons
b. Create U3E3 vocab list #2 (10 words to study)
3. 3/6 of May a. "tener" Phrase video
b. U3E3 "Notes" worksheet - side A
4. 7/8 of May a. vid = Sr. Jordan - Direct Object Pronouns
b. Make notes on notes (U3E3 note handout)
c. Cinco de mayo info - 5-10 facts
5. 9/10 of May a. vid = El Yunque: How is it?
b. Prep Speaking Final (sheet handout: U2E2)
c. Song: Nada que perder (write interesting phrases)
6. 13/14 of May a. video = el coquí
b. Speaking Final ( U2E3 / U3E1)
c. Song: No importa la distancia (phrases / ideas)
7. 15/16 of May a. pic = test anxiety / nervous Spongebob ¿Como está?
b. MC Practice Test (1-25) with 50+ notes
c. Lecturas #1 and #2 / Writing Final practice
8. 17/20 of May a. pic = happy spongebob ¿Qué acaba de hacer?
b. MC Practice (26-50) - 50+ notes
c. Lecturas #3 and #4 / Writing Final practice
9. 21/22 of May a. pic = a sick person (¿Por qué está enfermo?)
b. Lecturas #5 and #6
c. Writing Final practice
Spiral U3E3 due May 23/24 for full credit
Sp I-2019: Spiral classwork - U3E2: Practicing sports is okay,
but playing the game is exciting. It's the same with Spanish☺!
# date Spiral work
1. 29 of March/ Write 10 commentaries about "Selena:" Her
8 of April life, family, interests, goals and yours, too.
2. 9/10 of April a. pic = Deportes
b. Lista #1 - 10 new vocab words from U3E2
c. 5-10 more phrases about "Selena."
3. 11/12 of April a. pic = baby - "No me entiendes"☺
b. create List #2 of vocab from U3E2
c. Apuntes: Jugar and "pensar"
d. Finish Selena...didn't finish it:-(
4. 15/16 of April a. Socrates: "No sé nada" What I know and don't know
b. Create List #3 of U3E2 vocab
c. Apuntes: Saber and comparisons
d. 5+ thoughts about Selena
5. 17/18 of April a. pic = compare (twins or llama and fultbolist)
b. Writing for the U3E2 Exam
c. Selena observations
6. 19/22 of April a. pic = stakeboarding (Manny Santiago)
b. Writing for the U3E2 Exam - Peer edit
Spiral de U3E2 is due el 25/26 de abril for full credit.
Sp I-2019: Spiral classwork - U3E1: Ya gotta break some eggs
to make an omelet. Allow speaking mistakes. Be a fearless speaker☺!
# date Spiral work
1. 7/8 of March Watch video on 10 Fun Facts of Puerto Rico. Write
the 10 facts. Share with others (familia y amigos)!
2. 11/12 of March Identify emociones (pics or real life: Cuando
"tengo papas fritas", estoy "emocionado")
3. 13/14 of Mar a. Comment on Bomba y Plena b. notes on
estar + adj and acabar + de + infinitive. ¿Qué
acabas de hacer? Acabo de bailar B y P☺.
4. 15/18 of Mar 1. pic - No te preocupes / Puerto Rico island
2. Vocab list #3 (U3E1)
3. Notes (venir p 179 and gustar 181)
5. 19/20 of Mar 1. pic = baby just got a piercing (☺)
2. "Tiempo libre" rap (5-10+ pairs)
6. 21/22 of Mar 1. pic = Crush the turtle. ¿De dónde viene?
2. 1 more Rap "stanza" (4 lines: where are you
coming from, what you just did, do you like it,
and how do you feel - see U3E1 vocab☺)
3. MC Test / Exam Writing
Spiral de U3E1 is due el 27/28 de marzo for full credit.
Sp I-2019: Spiral classwork - U2E3: Let your speaking
resemble your writing...through practice☺!
# date Spiral work
1. 19/20 of Feb 1. pic = cold dog 2. Notes = p. 149/151
2. 21/22 of Feb 1. pic = I make a sandwich 2. notes =
p. 153 / 155. 3. Mañana / Hoy Quiz!
3. 25/26 of Feb 1. pic = Guitar player / Oscars 2. Using
handout, write 5+ places + copy 4 sentences
Sp I-2019: Spiral classwork - U2E2: Let writing and reading...
...improve your speaking and listening☺!
*the date Trabajo del "Spiral" (in-class assignments)
1. el 15/16 de enero Write for 3-5 minutes (as much Spanish as possible) about
the topics of the day: movies, football, family and activities of classmates.
Be sure to get 2-3 "peer Revisions" to improve.
2. el 17-18 de enero "Describe the pic" - with as much Spanish as possible (3 minutes)
Write about where people go during school (get peer edited☺)
3. el 22/23 de enero Write: 1. picture (cafetería 2. notes (time) and 3. times that people do things or go places
4. el 24/25 de enero Write (Read others) 1. picture clocks on page 128 and 2. The Book of life: times,
places, who is going where...etc
5. el 28/29 de enero Write / Read others: 1. pic - library 2. notes: Estar and Q words 3. 5 Q's Book of Life
6. el 30/31 de enero Write / Read: 1. pic - auditorium 2. 5-10 sentences from The Book of Life
7. el 1/4 de febrero Write / Read: 1. pic - la clase de ciencias 2. 10 Q or A's from "horario" presentation
8. el 5/6 de febereo Write / Read: 1. pic - la clase de computación (U2E2 Exam begins today)
Spiral U2E2 is due el 7/8 de febrero (Thursday / Friday) for full credit (write about 1/2 page each day)
Sp I; Spiral classwork: U2E1
# the date the Diario (in-class assignments)
6/7 of Dec Copy notes about “Verbs in Action” and “Adverbs of Frequency” (U2E1)
6/7 of Dec Write half to one page of note from U1E1 material: Questions and answers, pics, etc
10/11 of Dec Copy and discuss notes about obligations (U2E1)
Sp I: Spiral classwork - U1E3
# the date the Diario (in-class assignments)
13/14 of Nov Ramos family tree (10 sentences)
30 of Nov / 3 of Dec Play “Rey de la fila” (10-20 answers)
30/of Nov / 3 of Dec 5-10 facts about a Quinceañera
Sp I Diario Log #2.3 - Do Diarios realy help☺! Find out!!
# the date the Diario (in-class assignments)
1. 9/10 of May a. Describe the problems of the characters in McFarland USA.
What are they doing to resolve them?
b. How are the characters changing or growing?
c. How do hard work, good effort and kindness pay-off?
2. 23/24 of May Play Memory and write down the 4x4 box and 5+ clues and
answers (weather vocab)
3. 25/29 of May Play Memory and write down the 4x4 box and 5+ clues and
answers (U3E3 vocab)
4. 25/29 of May Create a list (10+) of vocab, grammar and culture that you
don't know from the M. C. Practice Final
5. 30/31 of May a. Complete the Extra Credit for the U3E3 abbrviated Exam
weather phrases, tener expressions, DONouns to DOPro-
nouns and Present Progressive.
Sp I Diario Log #2.2 - Do Diarios real help☺! Find out!!
# the date the Diario (in-class assignments)
1 8/9 of Mar a. Write "10 Fun Facts" about Puerto Rico.
b. How do you feel when...? Use U3E1 vocab to say
how you feel in different situations. 5 Q and A's
2. 16/17 of Mar Write a 3 paragraph rough draft for the writing portion of
the U3E1 Exam March 20/21.
3. 11/12 of April Draw and label at least 10 new words from the U3E2 list.
4/5. 23/24 of April Complete 2 games of battleship (front side and back side).
20 conjugations needed on the front and 10 needed on the
Diario Log #2.2 is due 1st / 2nd of May for full credit
Sp I Diario Log #2.1 - Don't get sick. Do your Diarios☺!
# the date the Diario (in-class assignments)
1. 17/18 of Jan Using the class copy of the sem. 1 M.C. Review,
create 20+ NEW sentences based on the 19
easy quetinos and 31 difficult questions.
2. 2/5 of Feb Talk about your school schedule with your classmates.
Frist, write 5-10 facts about your schedule. Then
write 5-10 fact about your classmates schedule using
U2E2 material
3. 12/3 of Feb Draw a scene using vocab from U2E3 (the park,
at home, in a museum, etc). Show your arstistic
talent☺. Use more than three vocab words.
4. 26/27 of Feb Use sequence words to join 2 or 3 activities in the
future: ir + a + infinitive. Create 3 sets. (Primero,
entonces, antes de + inf, luego, después de + inf
and por fin). Add day, time, friends, info for fun.
5. 26/27 of Feb Say what people do and if they like it using U2E3
verbs (6-10 sentences)
Diario Log #2.2 is due el 28 of Feb / 1 of March for full credit.
Sp I Diario Log #2.3 - Hablar para divertirse! 4-Square Review☺!# the date the Diario (in-class assignments)1. 11/12 May Begin the 4-Square review of Spanish II: Completethe 4-square review (4 Q's and A's) of Etapa Preliminar.2. 11/12 May Complete a 4-Square review for U1E1.3. 11/12 May Complete a 4-Square review for U1E2.4. 11/12 May Complete a 4-Square review for U1E3.5. 11/12 May Complete a 4-Square review for U2E1.6. 11/12 May Complete a 4-Square review for U2E2.7. 11/12 May Complete a 4-Square review for U2E3.8. 11/12 May Complete a 4-Square review for U3E1.9. 11/12 May Complete a 4-Square review for U3E2.Diario Log #2.3 is due Wednesday / Thursday, May 17/18 for full credit.Sp I Diario Log #2.2 - Lucky! Diarios help me escuchar y hablar☺!# the date the Diario (in-class assignments)1. 22/23 of Feb Copy and answer 5 questions. Then ask your classmatein preparation for the "Mi librito presentations.2. 22/23 of Feb a. Make 5-10 corrections on the U2E2 Essay. Then sharethem with a classmate.b. Describe "Tangled" picture (Rapunzel, Flynn Rider andMaxumus) for 3 minutes = 10-15 phrases (Spanish Questions,Spanish statements and English for what isn't known)c. Creating questions for "alguien." 6 question words andmany possible short questions.3. 3 of March Write "10 fun facts" about Puerto Rico:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma_eDmuSu3k4. 7 of March Accepting and declining invitations: Make 3 invitationsand accept them 3 different ways. Make 3 new invitationsand decline them 3 different ways5. 5/6 of April Classmate questionnaire: Ask 3-5 classmates about whatsports they play (jugar + a + the sport) and 3-5 classmateswhat sports they know how to play (saber jugar).Sp I Diario Log #2.1 - January Showers bring floods of Diarios☺!# the date the Diario (in-class assignments)1 11/13 of Jan "Speed friendshipping" - Describe yourself the sharewith classmates for two minutes☺2. 17/18 of Jan Describing a pic for 2 minutes (Esteban, el futbolista)3. 19/20 of Jan Describing a pic for 3 minutes (Francisco no canta)4. 23/24 of Jan Describing a pic: 3 min (Paola, la estudiante)5. 23/24 of Jan Complete MP Escuchar pages 41-42 (acts 1, 3, 5 & 6)6. 26 of Jan Describe #4: video of "Me voy" by Julieta VenegasSp I - Diario Log #3 - Finally, a Diario Log to end all Diario Logs!# Date Diario (class work)1. 12/13 of May Read about the cinco de mayo and complete a 9question quiz. Use complete thoughts☺.2. 16/17 of May Practicing DOP's and -ing's: Write 5 sentences withDirect Object Nouns and 5 with the DOPronoun. Alsowrite 5 present progressive sentences (estar = -ndo)3. 16/17 of May Complete the U3E3 "Extra Credit:" 1. 5 weather phrases,5 tener phrases, 3. DOP's, 4. present progressive rules4. 24/25 of May Pre-write the "Essay Final" - 3 paragraphs, follow the prompt.5. 26/27 of May Make 10-15 questions for the Listening Final: 1. Intro, 2.Describe the picture, 3 Describe "beyond" the picture,( something you can't see but is possible)Diario Log #2.3 is due Tues / Wed, el 31 de mayo / el 1 de junio for full creditSpanish I - Diario Log #2.2 - Leprechauns are lucky 'cause they do Diarios☺!# Date Diario (class work)1. 7/8 of March Write the "Extra Credit" for the U3E1 Exam: Estar + adj,acabar + de + inf., venir + de + the place and theIO Nouns + IO Pronouns + gusta = infinitive verb.2. 14/15 of April Write 10 corrections from the U3E1 Essay. Or write 10sentences from U3E1 material. Or a combination of both.3. 18/19 of April Conjugate 9 verbs from U3E2 (e > ie verbs). See the handout.4. 20/21 of April Complete the Battleship prep: conjugate 9 verbs from U3E2.5. 22/25 of April Complete the "Extra Credit" for U3E2: 1 jugar, 2. saber,3. e-ie verbs, 4. comparisons.Turn in Diario Log #2.2 Tuesday / Wednesday of April (28th/29th) for full credit.Spanish I - Diario Log #2.1 - Welcome to semester 2# Date1 19/20 of January Complete the Time crossword (hand out - side 12. 21/22 of January Complete the 12 times (hand out - side 2)3. 29 of January / Complete the U2E2 "Extra Credit" work: Ir,1 of February Time, Estar and -ar verbs.4. 18/19 of February Make 10 corrections (error + correction) fromthe U2E2 essay. Or write 10 sentences from themodel essay. Or a combination of both☺5. 22/23 of February Copy the notes for writing the "Mi librito" Project.Turn in Diario Log #2.1 for full credit el 3/4 of March (use them for Librito).Sp I - Diario Log #2.4 - Get competitive...Complete all of your Diarios!# the date Diario (the in-class assignments)1. 22/23 of April Write 20 commentaries about the video "Paulie"using U3E2 grammar: jugar; e to ie verbs; saber;and comparisons.2. 28/29 of April Prepare "questions" for some U3E2 baseball games.5-10 questions for singles (Spansih to English word)doubles = English to Spanish word; triples are Spanishphrases to English and Homeruns are English to Spanishprases. Play ball!3. 4/5 of May A. Complete the 4 "charts" from U3E2: 1. Saber 2. Jugar3. Perder and 4. ">" , "<" , "=".B. Write 10 words / phrases after listening to U3E2 "Escuchar"Absent? Write your 10 favorite words / phrases from U3E2!4. 27/28 of May Complete the "Cinco de mayo" quiz using a handout (class copy)Diario Log #2.4 is due Friday, May 29 / Monday, June 1st for full creditSp I - Diario Log #2.3 - ...as easy as laying on a Puerto Rican beach!# the date the Diario (in-class assignments)1. 13/16 of March Copy and Study "En una Mirada: U3E1"2. 17/18 of March Write 10 sentences from the U3E1 class model ormake 10 corrections from the U2E3 essay...or anycombination of the two.3. 25/26 of March A. Complete the "Extra Credit" section for U3E1B. Write 10 words / phrases from Escuchar (U3E1)4. 14/15 of April Copy, Complete and Study "En una Mirada: U3E2."5. 16/17 of April Create 2 games of tic-tac-toe using the verb "jugar."Translate all "questions as you play: juego = I play.Play 4 games!Diario Log #2.3 is due Monday / Tuesday, April 20 / 21 for full credit!Sp I Diario Log #2.2 - Our pot of gold is completing diarios on time!# the date the Diario (in-class assignments)1 11 /12 of Feb Copy and Study "En una mirada - U2E3"2 19/20 of Feb Correct 10 mistakes from U2E2 essay or write10 sentences (or a combo of the two)3. 23/24 of Feb Play 2 games of battleship after conjugating40 verbs (20 on each side) and translating the verbs4. 3/4 of March a. Copy 6+ sentences from U2E3 essayb. Complete the "Extra Credit" for U2E3c. Escuchar: Write 10 words / phrases5.Sp I, Welcome 2015! Diario Log #2.1 - Like "Annie" - I love ya, Diario!
# the date the Diario (in-class assignments)1. 13/14 of January A. Preview U2E2: Apply the vocab to your break:Write 10 sentences using U2E2 vocab & EnglishB. Review semester 1: Create 3 sentences per Etapa(EP to U2E1...5 etapas = 15 sentences)2. 20/21 of January Copy the "En una Mirada - U2E2" overview andstudy it☺!3. 22/23 of January While watching "Selena," write 25 sentences basedon U2E2 grammar points (1. ir; 2. time; 3 "at what time"4. estar (location) and 5. questions.4. 30 of Jan / 2 of Feb Copy 10 sentences from the U2E2 Model Essay5. 3/4 of Feb Complete the Extra Credit for the U2E2 Exam: I ir;II time; III estar; IV Question words.Diaro Log #2.1 is Due Wednesday / Thursday, 17/18 of Feb for full credit.Sp I - Diario Log #2.5 - Diarios are good to do in any weather!# date the Diario1. 15/16 of May Complete the "At a Glance" for U3E3 (pages 212-235).Get the "5 good questions" from a classmate of Sr. C.2. 21/22 of May Complete the "cinco de mayo" quiz. If absent, write 10 factsabout el cinco de mayo (Wikipedia...google search, etc)# the date the Diario (in-class assignments)1. 17/18 of April Write 10 corrected sentences from the U3E1 essay.2. 23/24 of April Create an "En una mirada" for U3E2. Include title,goals, grammar points, notas culturales, Tambiénse dice, vocab., & 5 good questions.3. 25/28 of April A. Read "En context" on pages 192-193, then answer"preguntas personales" on page 193.B. Read "En Vivo" on pages 194-195 and copy 10sentences (look for jugar, saber, stem changingverbs and comparison phrases)4. 29/30 of April A. Read the U3E2 Model essay & copy 10 sentences.B. Escuchen U3E2 Exam "Escuchar" and write 10phrases. (Didn't hear it? Create 10 phrases fromU3E2)C. Complete the "extra credit" practice: 1. conjugate"Saber," 2. "Jugar," and 3. "pensar." 4. what do thesesymbols mean: ">" ? - "<" ? and "=" ? (include thethe possiblitiy of comparing numbers)5. 7/8 of May Draw and label 15 words or phrases from the U3E3vocabulary list (page 135 of text)Diario Log #2.4 is due Friday / Monday (May 9/12) for full credit.Sp I - Diario Log #2.3 - Leprechons abound: Your treasure = 100%# the date the Diario (in-class assignments)1. 6/7 of March Create an "At as Glance" for U3E1. Include title, etapagoals, page for grammar notes, "notas culturales,""también se dice" and vocab. Also include 5 goodquestions from Sr. C.2. 12/13 of March Create 10 correct sentences from the errors in the U2E3essay (3 paragraphs)3. 14/17 of March Complete the Cooperative Quizzes for U3E1 (a handout)4. 7/8 of March Create 5 "Invitations between friends." include: A. the day itoccurs; B the invitation: & C the answer w/ "estar + a feeling."5. 9/10 of April A. Copy / Create 10 sentences from the U3E1 Model Essay.B. While listening to the "Escuchar" portion of the U3E1 Exam,write 10 words or phrases.Diario Log #2.3 is due Friday / Monday, April 11 / 14 for full credit.Sp I - Diario Log #2.2 - March Madness: 100% on your bracket /Diario Log!# the date the Diario (in-class assignments)1 24/25 of February Write 10 correct sentences from the U2E2 Essay2. 26/27 of Feb. Write, translate and conjugate 16 verbs from U2E3Use handout.3. 28 of February / Complete the Cooperative Quizzes (4) for U2E3 and3 of March sing the "Yojo Rojo" song on back for help withirregular "yo" forms.4. 28 of February / A. Create / Copy 10 sentences for preparation for the3 of March U2E3 Essay.B. Write 10 words / phrases while listening to "Escuchar"from U2E3. Absent? Copy 10 phrases from U2E3 inthe text or the workbook MP)5. 10/11 of March Read pages 166-171 and answer the "Preguntas personales"on page 171. Answer in complete sentences...no need tocopy the question unless you want to do so.Diario Log #2.2 is due on 12/13 of March for full credit (24 participation points)Sp I, Welcome 2014!Diario Log #2.1 - Unlike FROZEN, don't let it go!
# the date the Diario (in-class assignments)1. 14/15 of January What did you do over break? Answer 6 questions with30 answers.2. 16/17 of January 2A - Complete the "At a Glance" for U2E2 following themodel given in class.2B - Answer the questions from "En context" on page 121.3. 23/24 of January Write 10 correct sentences from the Semester 1 Final essay.4. 27/28 of January Write 20 sentences while watching "Hercules" in Spanish.a. Where are people going? (use forms of "ir")b. Where are people at? (Use forms of "estar")c. Describe peopled. Ask questions5. 4/5 of February Complete the U2E2 Test Rehearsal (Handout)Extra Credit (4 points) Complete the 3 paragraph "fill-in" (on the back of Diario #5)6. 6/7 of February Copy / rewrite 10 sentences from the U2E2 Essay Model7. 6/7 of February Write 10 words or phrases while to the listening portion ofthe U2E2 Exam.8. 18/19 of February Write the rough draft of two belated Valentine's. Then transferthe message to a Valentine that you cut out.9. 20/21 of February Battleship - Game #1 (tener, pasear, etc) - translate verbs, giveendings, conjugate 16 verbs and play the game.10. 20/21 of February Battleship - Game #2 (cenar, oír, etc) - translate verbs, giveendings, conjugate 16 verbs and play the game.Diario Log #2.1 is now complete...10will have to be okay. It will be worth 44 pesos (4 for eachdiaro and 4 for the cover sheet! For full credit must be turned in Feb 24/25 (A/B days). Per. 3did not get Diario # 6, so your Log will be worth 40 points.___________________________________________________________________Round 3! Here is Diario Log #2.3 for Spanish I - Let this be the lucky one!# Date Diario1. the 14/15 of March Complete the U3E1 Multiple Choice Exam, writing 20 sentences
or phrases...something you can study later.
2. the 18/19 of March Write 10 (minimum) sentences from the U3E1 Essay (3 paragraphs)
3. the 22 of March / Copy the 4 goals for U3E2 on page190. Read pages 192-193
8 of April and answer the 5 "preguntas personales."
4. the 9/10 of April A. Write and correct 10 errors or write 10 sentences
from U3E1 model essay.
5. the 17/18 of April Conjugate and define 9 stem-changing verbs and play
6. the 19/22 of April Complete the 4 Cooperative Quizzes for U3E2 using
MP pages as well as text pages 198, 199, 201 & 202.
7. the 9/10 of May Write 3 paragraphs (1/2 page) about "Selena:" The
importance of 1. Family 2. being bilingual 3. Following
your dreams. How do they relate to Selena AND you??
8. the 30 of April / Copy the title of U3E3 on page 212 along with the 5 goals.
6 of May Also, read pages 214-215 & answer the "?'s personales."
9. the 13/14 of May Make 10 corrections on your U3E2 Essay or write 10
sentences from the class "model." Include the errors and
the corrections.
10. the 13/14 of May Draw 20 "phrases" for the U3E3 vocabulary. Example:
draw a person and a snowman...and write the caption:
"Pablo tiene frío."# Date Diario
1 the 14/19 of February Write 2 Valentines using the class model. Create 2 rough drafts (tobe kept in your Diarios) and 2 final draphs, to be in the shape of heartsand given to friends or family. Use the handout for special phrases!2 the 14/19 of February Complete the "-er / -ir "Battleship" game #1 (tener, etc) by defining all ofthe verbs, making 16 correct conjugations and playing the game.3. the 20/21 of February Complete the "-er / -ir "Battleship" game #2 (cenar, etc) by defining all ofthe verbs, making 16 correct conjugations and playing the game.4. the 20/21 of February Rewrite the "model" Essay for U2E3 using your own interests.5. the 22/25 of February Choose one (A, B or C) To learn about culture; complete one for 4 points.complete 2 for 6 points (+2 extra) and complete all 3 for 8 points (+4 extra)A. Read pages 146 ("También se dice” and “Nota Cultural”) page 150 (tambien se dice) and page 152 (Nota Cultural). Summarize one (A, B or C) Extra credit.. 6/4 pts for 2, 8/4 for all 3
B. Read pages 156-157 & answer questions 1-4 in sentences.Match the answer with the right question (Copy the Q & the A);
#_Andan en bicicleta, practican deportes o tocan un instrumento.
#_Van a la escuela. Hacen mucha tarea.
#_Va a un restaurante para el almuerzo.
#_Van a los teatros, a los museos, a las tiendas y a los parques.
C. Read 158-159 and answer questions 1-5.
Match the answer with the right question
(Copy the Q & the A); Pages 158-159
#_El Palacio Nacional
#_Se llama Tenochtitlán
#_El Palacio Nacional está encima de las ruinas de un palacio azteca.
#_La Catedral y el Sagrario
#_Hay descubrimientos de los aztecas y la Piedra del Sol o el calendario azteca.
6. the 26/27 of February Copy the Brief Review ofr U2E3 Exam. There were 5 points; 1. ir a + infinitve,2. 3 verbs that have irregular "Yo" forms, 3. -er / -ir verbs endings 4. conjugatethe verb "oír" and 5. Cultural info found throughout U2E37. the 28 of February / Draw and label (in Spanish) 30 vocabulary words from U3E1. Do not write theEnglish definition...let your picture be the definiton. Multiple pictures for the sameword works best if it is an action word.
8. the 4/5 of March Read pages 166-171. Write the title and 5 goals of U3E1 (page 168) and
answer the "Preguntas Personales" (5 or so questions on page 171) .9. the 8/11 of March Read pages 172-173 (En Vivo), then complete acts 1 and 2 on page 174.Complete sentences, but 1/2 of the problems. Complete act 3 orally witha compañero...Not to be written...unless you really want to:-)10. the 8/11 of March Make 10 corrections on your U2E3 essay. Write the error and the correction.You may also write 10 senteces from the "Classrom Model" essayDiario Log #2.2 is now due! 2 points extra credit if it is turned in when #10 is completed.
Full Credit next class (March 12/13).
# the date the Diario (in-class assignments)1. the 14/15 of January Correct 20 problems on the Mult. Choice Final using completesentences. Understand why the answer is correct. Correct 10problems if you missed 10 or less.2. the 16/17 of January A. Read pages 118-121 in the text. Write complete answers for the"Preguntas Personales" on page 121B. Read your "Final" Essay. Compare it to the "class model." Rewriteor copy 10 good sentences.3. the 18/22 of January Read pages 122-123A. Copy 10 good sentences...difficult ones that you need to study.B. Complete Activities 1, 2 and 3 (page 124) in complete sentences.(1/2 of the problems is sufficient)4. the 18/22 of January Presentations: Create 5 (or more) questions to ask your classmate. Thentake turns asking each others questions. Write the answers.5. the 25/28 of January Complete the "Time" worksheet (Crossword and clocks).6. the 25/28 of January Complete the Handout "Sp U2E2, ser, estar ir, tener and gustar.These 3 paragraphs have 32 missing verbs that you must conjugatecorrectly. They are also good practice for the U2E2 essay.7. the 29/30 of January Complete the Test Rehearsal for U2E2 (Excellent preparation for theU2E2 Exam which is Jan. 31 and Feb 1, 2013). Or, you may write the3 paragraph essay using my handouts (may not be taken home).If these Diarios are incomplete, they will be worth partial credit.If you want full credit, complete them correctly, even if they have to be done at home!Diario Log #2.1 is Due the day that #10 is assigned
8. the 4/5 of February Create a picture dictionary (40+ words) from U2E3. Drawand label your pictures (20 on one side, 20 on the other). You mayuse English words (not the definition) as necessary or multiple picturesto clarify the meaning of the word.9. the 6/7 of February Correct 10 errors o copy 10 sentences from the Model Essay from U2E2.Include the error and the correction. If you need to make-up your essay (ascore less than 23/30 - 75%) can be brought up to 75% by rewriting it. Copythe model essay and personalize it to fit "you." Ask for help if needed.10. the 8/11 of February A. Read text pages 140-143 and answer the "preguntas personales" on page 143.B. Read pages 144-145 (En Vivo) and complete acts. 1 and 2 on page 146 usingcomplete sentences.Last year's (2012) Diario Log #2.1# Date Diario1&2 the 9/10 of January Correct the essay Final and rewrite the 3 paragraphs3 the 11/12 of January Read pages 118-121. Copy and Answer 5 questionsfrom p. 1214. the 24/25 of January Read pages 122-123 in the text and copy 10 "difficult"sentences.5. the 24/25 of January Copy / Answer / Translate 5 questions from U2E2.6. the 26/27 of January In preparation of the U2E2 essay, write 3 paragraphsbased on the writing prompt and the overhead.7 the 30/31 of January Read handout about school life in Mexico and create5 questions related to the content.8. the 9/10 of February Read pages 140-3 in the text. Copy and answer 5 (7)questions. Use your U2E3 vocabulary list!9. the 9/10 of February Read text pages 144-145. Copy 10 sentences orquestions (the more difficult the better!)10. the 16/17 of February Rewrite your U2E2 3-paragraph essay if yourscore = 0-20. Otherwise make 10 corrections. -