- Shivela Middle
- Steve VanVoorhis

Phone: 951-696-1406 x4165
Degrees and Certifications:
B.A. in History California State University, Long Beach M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction American College of Education
Mr. VanVoorhis
Social Studies 8/Advanced Social Studies 8
Social Studies AVID Teacher
Welcome to Mr. V's 8th grade social studies class. Our class will focus on the skills required to Think Like a Historian. We will complete a variety of assignments and projects that will help you think for yourself, understand other people's point of view, and make connections between history and our lives today. We will work hard, learn much, and have a great time all year!
Important Classroom Expectations Review and Form
Visit this form if you want to review the key classroom expectations for class this year (work, grading, behavior, etc.).
MVUSD: Aeries Student and Parent Portals
This page has a link to the Aeries portals as well as information on how to set up an Aeries Portal Account.
MVUSD: Canvas Learning Portal
This page includes information on how to access Canvas as a Parent Observer.
Last Modified on August 27, 2024