• MVUSD Dress Code

    (Please see the SMS Student Handbook, pages 7 & 8 for a complete explanation of the Dress Code.)
    Shivela Dress Code The purpose of adopting student dress code standards is not to infringe on the individual student’s right to freedom of expression, but rather to encourage all students to adhere to policies that promote a unified community, avoid any disruptions to the learning environment, and provide for the safety of the students.

    All students are expected to know MVUSD Dress Code expectations. Parents, we need your support with this, so we ask that you review the Dress Code with your student prior to shopping for school attire so that school-appropriate clothing is chosen.  School clothing should be safe and appropriate for a variety of instructional or educational activities. Students should be properly/modestly dressed and should not cause undue attention or be offensive to others. Students who violate the Dress Code will meet with a school administrator and be assigned appropriate consequences. 

    NOTE:  We do not want students to miss instructional time, but inappropriate clothing creates a disruption to the learning environment. Students who are not appropriately dressed will be brought to the office and then sent to an On-Campus Intervention (OCI) classroom until a parent/guardian can bring the student appropriate clothing.  Our focus is on learning, yet we need to make sure our students are dressed appropriately for instructional activities on campus.


    The Governing Board believes that the responsibility for the dress and grooming of a student rests primarily with the student and his or her parents or guardians and that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment.  Therefore, the Board expects students to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to wear clothes that are suitable for the school activities in which they participate.


    School-directed changes to a student’s attire or grooming should be the least restrictive and disruptive to the student’s school day. Any school dress code enforcement actions should minimize the potential loss of educational time. Administration and enforcement of the dress code shall be gender neutral and consistent.


    This policy applies to all individual schools. Schools may not enact more restrictive or less restrictive dress and grooming codes.


    Minimum Safe Attire


    Student attire and grooming must permit the student to participate in learning without posing a risk to the health or safety of any student or school district personnel.


    1. Students must wear clothing including both a shirt with pants or skirt, or the equivalent (for example dresses, leggings, or shorts) and shoes.


    1. When the body is standing straight, clothing must cover the chest, back, torso, stomach, and lower extremities from armpit to armpit to mid-thigh. Tops must have a strap and at no time may any part of a student’s buttocks be exposed.


    1. Clothing must cover all undergarments. No underwear or undergarments may be visible at any time. Clothing may not be see through.


    1. Outside sports apparel and hats that are not directly related to the current school of attendance are prohibited.


    1. Clothing must be suitable for all scheduled classroom activities including physical education, science labs, shop classes, field trips and other activities where unique hazards or specialized attire or safety gear is Bare feet are not permitted at any time.

    Attire and/or grooming depicting or advocating violence, weapons, criminal activity, gang-related activity (including clothes, accessories, or colors identified by MPD as gang- affiliated), use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs, pornography, foul language, hate speech, or clothing that could be considered dangerous or that could be used as a weapon are prohibited.

     Dress Code Enforcement

    No list of dress and appearance guidelines for students can be written that will anticipate all potential dress and grooming extremes. In the case of questionable dress or grooming that is not specifically covered in the list above, the administration will make the final decision. Appropriate action will be taken at that time, and when necessary, contact will be made seeking parental cooperation and assistance.


    The administration retains the sole discretion to make the final determination whether clothing, jewelry, accessories and/or appearance meet acceptable standards. All school certificated and classified personnel shall be responsible for reporting violations of this dress code. When a dress code violation occurs, the students will be required to change into proper attire. Continued violations of the dress code will be considered defiance and will be referred to administration for disciplinary action.



    Administration reserves the right to determine appropriate dress code.

Last Modified on October 15, 2019