• General School Policies


    Attendance Phone Line

    Our school has a special email address and phone line for attendance with an answering machine available 24 hours a day.  Please have your parents contact the school by telephone each day of your absence with the following information: Parent/guardian name, Reason for absence(s), Student's name and grade, and your phone number. It is the student's responsibility to make sure their absences are cleared; students have one day after they return to clear. Phone number: 951-696-1406 then press 1. Attendance email: sms.attendance@murrieta.k12.ca.us.


    Shivela has a fenced bike rack area. Students who ride bicycles or skateboards must use the bike rack and supply personal locks. Students riding to school must wear bicycle helmets. For everyone's safety, bicycles, skateboards and rollerblades must not be ridden at anytime on campus. 

    Beginning in January 2024, middle and high school students who ride electrically assisted bicycles to and from school will be required to attend a free e-bike safety class hosted by the Murrieta Police Department. The class will include a safety inspection of the e-bicycle to confirm it is safe for the road. This class is open to parents/guardians who want to learn more about electric bicycle safety.  In this class, students will learn: 

    • Rules of the road 
    • Electric bicycle laws
    • Helmet safety
    • Rules regarding electric bicycle passengers
    • How to safely avoid the distracting operation of electric vehicles
    • Safety concerns

    At the conclusion of the free educational class, the student will be issued a free e-bike permit from the Murrieta Police Department to visibly place on the e-bike.

    Campus Hours

    The campus is open to students from 8:15 am to 3:30 pm on regular days and 8:15 am to 2:30 pm on Early Release Days. Students may not be on school campus prior to 8:15 am unless they are enrolled in 0-period, participating in a school activity or they have a meeting with a teacher that is pre-arranged.  

    Emergency Information Cards

    Emergency Information Cards are contained within the on-line registration materials. Current telephone numbers are necessary for us to act efficiently in the event of an emergency. Please include a relative or neighbor's telephone number in case of emergency. We request that you notify us immediately about changes of telephone numbers. Please list all telephone numbers, including cell phones, and e-mail addresses where parents can be contacted during the school day. Please supply the necessary information and return the card with the student to the orientation in August.

    Food Services

    Nutritious meals are available for purchase for breakfast and lunch, in addition to ala carte items during lunch and breaks. Menus are sent home monthly and posted on-line. There are two ways to pre-pay for meals and pre-payment discounts are offered. Applications for free or reduced price lunches are available from Nutrition Services. If your child forgets his/her lunch, bring it to the office with your child's name and room number clearly marked. Students who forget to pay for or bring a lunch will be provided with an alternate lunch.

    Progress Reports

    Parents will be emailed when grades have been submitted for progress reports and report cards. Parents can then view their students grades on Aeries. If you do not have access to a computer or Aeries, please contact student services for a printed copy of the progress report and/or report card.

    Health Services

    A district nurse and/or health technician will be present on campus five days per week. Students should obtain a pass from their teacher to receive medical attention; Students must have an emergency card on file in the office in case of accidents and serious illness Parents will be notified of accidents and illness situations and are responsible for transporting students home or to a doctor. In emergencies, 911 will be called and the student will be transported by emergency crews to an emergency room. Parents, or their insurance, will be responsible for the cost of the ambulance. Any student who is required to take prescribed medicine at school must have a written statement from their physician and parent/guardian detailing the method, amount, and time schedules by which such medication is to be taken. The medication must be brought in the original, labeled container and taken to the Health Office.  Additional information on Health Services.


    The library is open daily from 8:15 am to 4:00 pm. Library books may be checked out for two weeks and renewed for two more weeks. Textbooks are available to students to take home. Any lost library books or textbooks must be paid for. If books are later found and returned, a refund will be issued. Students must have an ID card to check out books.  


    Bus route information is available on the district website. Students must have a bus pass issued by Transportation to ride the bus. Students may only ride their assigned bus route. It is important that students conduct themselves in an orderly manner at the bus stop and on the bus. The bus driver has complete authority over any circumstances arising on the bus.


    All visitors are required to check in with the administration office upon entering campus. Parents who wish to visit classrooms must have approval at least 24 hours prior to their visit from the teacher and principal. Minors, elementary and high school students may not visit the school during school hours. High school students wishing to visit after school must be cleared through the receptionist.  

    Withdrawal from School

    Parents who plan to withdraw their student from the school district are asked to give the school office two days advance notice. All textbooks must be returned to the school and school fees and book fines must paid before a student leaves or records will be withheld.


Last Modified on November 8, 2023