- Shivela Middle
- Trisha Gor

Phone: 951-696-1406 ext. 4019
Degrees and Certifications:
BS in Child and Adolescent Studies- Cal State Fullerton MS- Education- National University
Mrs. Gor
Hi Panthers! I am Mrs. Gor, I teach Language Arts and Social Studies. We will also learn the importance of living the Panther L.I.F.E. I love to read and write and I love sports! Teaching is my passion and I am so happy to be part of the Shivela team! This is going to be a wonderful school year full of fun, growth, and confidence!
For all information regarding homework, projects, or tests, please refer to the Canvas page set up with all important information.
Please feel free to call me at extension 4019 or email tgor@murrieta.k12.ca.us with any questions or concerns.
Another way to stay connected is to consistently check Canvas for updated grades.
Below is the link to get onto Aeries page which will update for progress reports and semester grades.
To be successful in this class you will need the following materials:
3 ring binder with loose leaf college ruled paper and 2 pocket folders
Spiral notebook (College ruled)
Pencils, pens, highlighters, ruler, coloring tools of choice
If you would like to donate, here is the Class wish list:
Loose leaf college ruled paper
Crayola Markers (Thin and Thick)\
Crayola Colored pencils and crayons
Hand sanitizer
Mrs. Gor
6th and 7th grade Language Arts
6th grade Social Studies