• Advanced English I

    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements. It provides students, through their experiences in reading, writing, listening and speaking, with the skills necessary to become informed and responsible citizens, productive and effective members of the work force, and individuals dedicated to lifelong learning. The class focuses on developing skills in creating composition and analyzing literature. Students will demonstrate skills using a variety of genres (poetry, drama, short stories, novels and biographies). The students will be introduced to a substantial amount of ongoing writing practice through journals, essays, creative writing, a research paper, and extensive formal papers. The course is structured around in-depth reading of classical and contemporary works of literature. Assessment will include performance based assessment, conventional assessment, portfolios and published products. In the advanced course, students focus on independent, in-depth reading of challenging classical and contemporary literary works with more emphasis on higher level thinking skills. Advanced students are expected to read and write extensively.
    Focus Genres for Composition:
    • Response to Literature (Literary Analysis)
    • Expository Essay
    • Research Writing

    Core and Supplemental Reading List:

    · The Odyssey

    · Romeo and Juliet

    · To Kill a Mockingbird

    · Lord of the Flies

    · Bless the Beasts and Children

    · Hiroshima

    · The Hobbit

    · Johnny Got His Gun

    · One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

    · Summer of My German Soldier

Last Modified on February 13, 2017