- Murrieta Mesa High
- MSJC information
Page Navigation
- Welcome Rams!
- Academic Organizations
- AP Information
- AVID Informational (video)
- College Application and FAFSA Help
- College & Career Planning
- Community Service Opportunities
- College Visit (Overnight) Programs
- Counselor's Role
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- Summer School
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Mount San Jacinto Community College
MSJC information and links
Please visit www.msjc.edu for more in depth information or utilize the links below that may help answer your question:
- MSJC To-do list for High school students https://www.msjc.edu/enroll/high-school-students.html
- MSJC Pathways Videos (All Pathways); https://www.msjc.edu/pathways
- Temecula Valley Campus Virtual Tour; https://www.msjc.edu/locations/Temecula-Valley-Campus.htm
- Menifee Valley Campus Virtual Tour; https://www.msjc.edu/locations/Menifee-Valley-Campus.html
- San Jacinto Campus Virtual Tour; https://www.msjc.edu/locations/San-Jacinto-Campus.html
- How to apply to MSJC - spring, summer and fall 2022; https://youtu.be/-pOXOEFGgIE
- MSJC General Presentation & Virtual Tour; https://youtu.be/kx_Xi13S6v0
- MSJC How to Register for MSJC classes; https://www.msjc.edu/enroll/how-do-i-register-for-courses.html
- Live Chat help - with a real person, visit the MSJC Welcome Center and Hub;
- www.msjc.edu/hub
Last Modified on August 30, 2022