• Tutoring Supports

    Coming Soon!



    Math Tutoring is also available after school two days a week in room 606 from 3:15-4. This is a teacher-led support opportunity for students who need extra help in math.

    PASS is a one Saturday a Month opportunity for students to get support is many different areas of academics, as well as a great place to make up assignments. Please refer to our PASS 2.0 for more information and to sign up. 








    Teacher Help Times 

    Many of our teachers have hours before or after school that are dedicated to helping their students.  Please contact your student's teacher(s) via e-mail or phone to find when they are available for tutoring.

  • Daily Progress Reports

    Daily Progress Reports are available in Student Services for all students, should they choose to use them. The Daily Progress Report is a helpful communication tool between student, parent and teacher.  Students are responsible for giving the form to each teacher before the end of the class period.  Teachers will indicate if the student came to class prepared, had good behavior, completed homework, turned in last nights homework, or has homework that night.  Daily Progress Reports are most beneficial if used with a reward/consequence system at home.


    D and F Conferences

    Counselors meet with students after each grading period to discuss ways to support students who are struggling in their core classes (Math, Science, Language Arts, and Social Studies) and provide resources for additional academic supports as well.


    Academic Planning

    Counselors meet with each student to go over the next year's class schedule to check for appropriateness of the classess as well as to plan ahead for high school class pathways. 

Last Modified on November 8, 2023