- Shivela Middle
- Overview
General Information
For more information about specific programs of importance to parents, please visit the following pages:
- Child Care MVUSD Student enrichment and extended day care
- Canvas Parent Accounts
- Health Services Contact school nurses, Immunization requirements, health forms, medication at school and frequently asked health questions.
- Nutrition Services Healthy, affordable school meals and Free & Reduced Lunch applications
- Parent Center Low cost parenting programs and support services.
- Public Information Portal Annual Notification, Complaint Procedures, Discrimination & Harassment, Emergency
- School Counseling
- School Safety
- Special Education
Resources for Parents
http://www.pta.org - Parent Teacher Association Webpage
Great Schools.Org - A middle school parents’ preparation for college guide
http://www.online-health-insurance.com/ - A database of health information for kids and adults
Read, Write, Think - Resources to help parents with their child’s literacy
US Dept. of Education - search for student aid resources by state
Middle School Web Resources - Valuable information for both parents and teachersStudents With Disabilities
http://www.add.org/ - Attention Deficit Disorder Association
http://www.ldresources.com/ - Learning Disability Resources
http://www.ncld.org/ - National Center for Learning Disabilities
http://www.fcsn.org/ -Federation for Children with Special NeedsFor Minority, Low-Income, First Generation College Students
http://www.uncf.org/ - United Negro College Fund
http://www.aihec.org/ - American Indian Higher Education Consortium
http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oela/index.html?src=mr - Department of Education/Office of Bilingual Education and Minority