
    Required School Supplies:

    Single Subject College Ruled Spiral Bound Notebooks 11 inch x 8 ½ inch (The notebooks must be this size to work as interactive notebooks! Please check size carefully!)

    Supply of loose leaf lined college ruled paper (* Keep paper in backpack in a folder!)



    Suggested Supplies

    Small Backpack Pencil Case Including the Following Supplies:

    2 Red Pens

    2 Black or Blue Pens

    Sharpened or Mechanical Pencils


    2 Highlighters

    Thin Crayola Markers

    Colored Pencils

    Small Pair of Sharp Tipped Scissors

    2 Glue Sticks

    Double Sided Scotch Tape

    Hand pencil sharpener with receptacle for shavings

    Small stapler with staples


    Classroom donations are greatly appreciated!!!

    White Copy Paper

    White Card Stock Paper

    Colored Copy Paper

    Construction Paper

    College Ruled Loose Leaf Paper


    Scotch Tape

    Crayola Colored Pencils

    Crayola Thin Markers

    Colored Sharpies

    Glue Sticks


    Box of Kleenex

    White Elmer’s Glue

    3x5 White Index Cards

    4x5 White Index Cards

    Lysol Wipes