• pencil PLAY SUPPLY BINGO!markers


    I am asking for help with these items that will help the daily operation in our classroom. Any donation would be greatly appreciated by me and the students!! Thank you in advance for your donations! 


    Students who donate 5 items that are in a row to make a BINGO will receive TWO Homework Passes that can be used in place of completing two homework assignments. This is strictly a voluntary assignment. There will be plenty of opportunities this year to earn homework passes.


    1 ream of computer paper 1 pack of college-ruled lined paper 1 box of pencils (Ticonderoga only) 1 pack of markers 1 box of colored pencils
    1 box of red pens 1 pack of markers 1 box of colored pencils 1 container of disinfecting wipes 1 box of pencils (Ticonderoga only)
    1 pack of college-ruled lined paper 1 box of pencils(Ticonderoga only) 1 box of colored markers 1- 70 sheet spiral notebook 1 pair of scissors
    1 pack of markers 1 box of colored pencils 1 container of disinfecting wipes 1 ruler 1- 70 sheet spiral notebook
    1 box of kleenex 1 ruler 1- 70 sheet spiral notebook 1 box of pencils (Ticonderoga only) 1 pack of markers