- Dorothy McElhinney Middle School
- Supplies & Parent Info
When parents and teachers work together, we can encourage a child’s positive attitude towards school and lifelong learning. In doing so, I strongly believe that it is important to develop a safe and nurturing classroom environment where each student has the right to learn.
- Show respect to yourself, your teacher and your peers
- Be on time for class
- Make positive choices and be responsible
- Complete assignments to the best of your ability and on time
- Be honest
- Come prepared with the proper materials:
2. A highlighter
3. A few colored pens for correcting (NO blue or black!)
4. ONE-- spiral notebook (70 sheets. A simple notebook is perfect!)
5. ONE-- 1" binder with dividers. Labeled "Language Arts" and "Social Studies"
6. College-ruled lined paper to fill your binder
In order to create the best learning environment, we will be using the following “3 Strikes” discipline policy:
1st offense: Warning
2nd offense: Warning
3rd offense: Student will receive an admin assigned lunch detention and parent is notified
Severe behavior will result in immediate removal from the classroom and referral to the office.
Grades are weighted in both classes.
Formative Assessment (classwork and homework): 30%
Summative Assessment (projects, tests, quizzes, formal writing): 70%
- Students are expected to complete and turn in assignments on time.
- Homework is due the day after it is assigned unless otherwise stated.
- Late work will be accepted up until the 6- week progress report.
- All assignments will be written on the board in the classroom. Students are supplied with a DMMS planner and are expected to copy down assignments from the board daily. Homework is also posted in Canvas.
- Grades will be posted in Aeries.
- Progress reports will be updated on Aeries every six weeks. Between progress reports, parents and students can check grades online.
- Please note that all incomplete/missing homework will negatively affect your child’s grade. I urge you to be proactive in checking your child’s grades frequently. Utilize this tool! I try my best to keep grades updated. Do not wait until the last minute to discuss your child’s grade.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.
I am looking forward to a successful and enjoyable school year!