On February 27, 2024, the Board of Education set the vision and direction for the district’s upcoming school year. It is the intent of this document to serve as a strategic guide, a vision, that prioritizes and leads district staff’s efforts. Many of the goals are ongoing and will continuously remain. Others are new initiatives that require innovative efforts, funding, and programming details to develop with the purpose of becoming fully incorporated into the norms of the district. Daily school operations remain our priority throughout the year.The Goals and Directions are meant to work in harmony with daily operations at school sites. These combined efforts are developed to improve the performance of schools, which ultimately translates to improved outcomes for students.
The goals and direction fall into four categories: Student Learning, Student Intervention, Professional Growth, and Climate and Culture. These are also reflected in the District’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). These four areas represent our primary focus. District departments and divisions support these four areas. From the Business and Operations Division to Human Resources and Educational Services, all efforts will strengthen our schools, classrooms, and students.