- Murrieta Valley Unified School District
- History- Social Science
District Adopted Instructional Materials
Page Navigation
History- Social Science
Transitional Kindergarten- Grade 5
On My Way for Pre-K (Scholastic)- Transitional Kindergarten
Studies Weekly Social Studies (California)- Kindergarten- Grade 5
Middle School
Grades 6-8
Impact Social Studies (CA): World History and Geography Ancient Civilizations (McGraw Hill)- Grade 6
Impact Social Studies (CA): World History and Geography Medieval and Early Modern Times (McGraw Hill)- Grade 7
Impact Social Studies (CA): United States History and Geography Growth and Conflict (McGraw Hill) - Grade 8
World History (AGS)
United States History (Pacemaker)
High School
Grades 9-12
World History Interactive: The Modern World (Savvas)- Grade 10
Traditions and Encounters: A Global Perspective for AP World History (McGraw Hill)- Grade 10
A History of Europe in the Modern World for AP European History (McGraw Hill)- Grade 10
U.S. History Interactive: Reconstruction to the Present (Savvas) Grade 11
Fabric of a Nation: A Brief History with Skills and Sources for the AP (Bedford)- Grade 11
Economics: Principles in Action (Savvas)- Grade 12
Krugman's Economics for the AP Course (Bedford)- Grade 12
Government Alive! Power, Politics and You! (TCI)- Grade 12
American Government: Stories of a Nation AP Edition (Bedford)- Grade 12
Psychology in Everyday Life (Bedford)- Grades 10-12
Myers Psychology for the AP (Worth Publishing)- Grades 10-12
Worlds Together, Worlds Apart-- AP Edition (Norton)
A History of Western Society- AP Edition (Houghton Mifflin)
Exploring American Histories (Bedford) Grades 11-12
World History (AGS)
United States History (AGS)
United States Government (AGS)
Economics (AGS)
Practical Research Planning and Design (Pearson)
Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approach (Sage)
The Craft of Research (University of Chicago Press)
History of the Canadian People (Oxford)
Modern Latin America (Oxford)
IB Psychology Course Companion
IB Theory of Knowledge Course Companion (Oxford)
History of the Americas 1880-1891 (Oxford University Press)
History: The Move to Global War (Pearson)
Authoritarian States (Pearson)
The Cold War: Superpower Tensions and Rivalries (Pearson)