• Civic Center Use

    The California "Civic Center Act," and District Board Policy provides for Civic Center use of public school facilities and grounds and defines which groups are entitled to use the facilities and under what conditions. Civic Center usage of facilities and grounds must be consistent with school purposes and not interfere with the regular conduct of school activities.  

    Murrieta Valley Unified School District uses an online facility request and rental system designed to provide a positive user experience for all.  Reservation requests can be submitted easily and renters will be able to access photos and descriptions, see real-time availability, get estimated quotes, and pay online. 

    In partnering with Facilitron, Murrieta Valley Unified School District is launching web-based facility web sites for the district and each school – allowing facility use requests to be submitted at any time.  You can view all district facilities at: https://facilitron.com/mvusd92562

    Facilitron will assist with the set-up of organizational accounts and the verification of non-profit status (if applicable).

    Facility use payments include major credit cards, checks (including E-checks), and Paypal. Proof of insurance can be conveniently uploaded into the platform, and/or it can be obtained directly through Facilitron. 


    All civic center use requests must sign and submit this 'Pool Waiver' for use. 

    Hours and Use of the Civic Center

    Civic Center activities will be scheduled during non-school hours. 

    Priorities for Use

    Priority for use of District facilities shall be as follows:  
    1. District-related groups (e.g. booster clubs, parent organizations, employee bargaining units and/or organizations) serving District pupils or staff members.
    2. Groups under Joint Use Agreement with CSA-143, and Murrieta CSD.
    3. Departments and agencies of local governmental entities.
    4. District-based community organizations formed for educational, recreational, political, economic, artistic and moral interest of the community.
    5. Non-District based groups.
    6. Other approved groups.


    In addition to the direct costs or fair rental value fees assessed per square foot, per facility, groups in every fee category will be charged for custodial services or other personnel support and a fee may be assessed for any changes or cancellations. 

    Fees for the use of school facilities and grounds shall be charged in accordance with the following categories, per square foot and type of requested space:

    Fee Exempt

    No fees will be charged to the City of Murrieta for public meetings or to Employee Associations, Parent Teacher Organizations, Booster Clubs and District/ Community Advisory Councils that are affiliated with and officially recognized by the District, and whose activities are deemed by the District to be beneficial to its pupils or school activities. If these groups plan to use District facilities for fundraising activities that do not benefit District youth or school activities, the District may, in its discretion, charge for the use of its facilities and grounds at the Discount or Direct Costs rate, as applicable.

    Discount Rate

    The current direct cost to operate the facility, less a standard discount set by administrative regulation, will be charged to groups, organizations, and entities who are the Murrieta Community Service District or who hold a 501(c)(3) non-profit status with the federal government and are using the facility for activities that primarily benefit District pupils or school activities. If the activity is a "class", 80 percent of the enrollment must be District pupils in order for the organization to qualify for the discount fee rate. Whether or not the activity is of primary benefit to District pupils or school activities will be determined in the sole discretion of the District.

    Direct Cost Rate

    Direct costs are the costs of supplies, utilities, salaries paid to employees administering civic center and necessitated by an organization's use of the facilities, custodial, maintenance and other services required to maintain the facilities, and/or necessitated by the organization's use of the facility. All organizations that do not fall within the Exempt or Discount Rate, or Fair Rental Value Rate will be charged the Direct Cost Rate for use of District property.

    Fair Rental Value Rate

    Fair Rental Value means the direct costs to the District, plus the amortized costs of the school facilities or grounds used for the duration of the activity. Amortization is based on facility depreciation over 30 years.

     In the case of classes, entertainments, meetings or events where the organization charges an admission fee or solicits contributions or donations from attendees and the net receipts are not expended for the welfare of District pupils or for charitable purposes, the fee for facility use will be at the Fair Rental Value Rate.

    Temporary/Renewable Permits for Religious Services

    Pursuant to Education Code 38131(b)(3), the District may grant the use of facilities or grounds as a civic center for the conduct of religious services for temporary periods, on a one-time or renewable basis, by any church or religious organization that has no suitable meeting place for the conduct of such services, subject to the limitations, requirements, and restrictions of the Civic Center Act. A "temporary period" is defined as 3 (three) years cumulative time, consecutive or non-consecutive. The District may allow for annual extensions thereafter if another church or religious organization is not in queue for use of the facility.

    Damage to School Property

    Groups or persons using school facilities under the provisions of this policy shall be liable for any property damages or loss resulting from the organization's use or activity. Each organization using District facilities under this policy shall maintain insurance for its use of District facilities and shall name the District as an additional insured on any such policy. The Board shall charge the organization the amount necessary to repair any damages or replace any losses and may deny the group further use of school facilities, in its discretion. (Education Code 38134)

    Termination of Use

    The Board may, at any time for good cause or in the best interest of the District, terminate any agreement for public use of school or District facilities or grounds with any individual or organization.

Last Modified on April 21, 2022