- Murrieta Valley Unified School District
- Measure BB
- Measure BB Project List
Facilities, Operations & Technology
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Measure BB Project Summary
Measure BB will:
- Expand educational technology and keep it up-to-date
- Upgrade classrooms, labs and equipment for advanced math, science, engineering, and technology instruction to meet rising college/university admission requirements
- Improve career-training classrooms for college and career success in fields like health sciences, engineering, technology, and skilled trades
- Repair or replace leaky roofs, old plumbing, failing electrical, lighting and HVAC systems, indoor and outdoor safety hazards, and other facilities to improve student and staff safety;
- Construct new classrooms and school facilities to accommodate growth in student enrollment.
The following projects are authorized to be financed at the schools and sites listed below and all District support facilities.
- Alta Murrieta Elementary School
- Avaxat Elementary School
- Cole Canyon Elementary School
- Lisa J. Mails Elementary School
- Murrieta Elementary School
- Tovashal Elementary School
- Shivela Middle School
- Warm Springs Middle School
- Murrieta Mesa High School
- Creekside High School
- Vista Murrieta High
- Antelope Hills Elementary School
- Buchanan Elementary School
- E. Hale Curran Elementary School
- Monte Vista Elementary School
- Rail Ranch Elementary School
- Dorothy McElhinney Middle School
- Thompson Middle School
- Murrieta Valley High School
- Vista Murrieta High School
- Tenaja Canyon Academy
- Adult School
Improvements, Technology and Equipment to Support 21st Century Learning
- Acquire, install and upgrade technology equipment, fixtures and infrastructure, including interactive educational technology and projection systems, computers, tablets, laptops, printers, scanners, digital projectors and cameras, audio systems, video systems, phone and sound projections systems, peripherals, smart boards, education software, telecommunications software, security software, monitors, network equipment (including servers, network interface devices, network switches and routers, wireless network equipment, firewalls, network security equipment, racking, power and cooling equipment, wiring and uninterruptible power supplies), etc., and rehabilitate and replace such equipment, fixtures and infrastructure as needed in the future; technology equipment, fixtures and infrastructure includes existing technology equipment, fixtures and infrastructure, and technology equipment/fixtures/infrastructure developed in the future.
- Renovate, replace, upgrade, acquire, install and integrate electrical (including wiring and related infrastructure for modern technology) and data systems, equipment, power sources and supplies and related technology infrastructure.
- Renovate, reconfigure and/or upgrade school facilities as needed to install or accommodate new technology and equipment.
Building, Building System and Facility Renovations, Upgrades and Repairs
- Acquire, replace, upgrade and/or install student safety and security systems, including lighting, fencing, smoke detectors, fire alarms, sprinklers, security alarms, signage, safety locks and hardware, sensors, cameras and communication systems.
- Upgrade, renovate, and/or replace major building systems, including cooling, heating and ventilation, lighting and electrical, insulation, plumbing, sewer and gas.
- Repair, replace and/or upgrade building exteriors and weather protection systems, including roofs, gutters, downspouts, doors, windows and exterior paint.
- Repair, replace and/or upgrade building interior surfaces, such as walls, ceilings, floors and floor coverings.
- Reconfigure, renovate, repair, resurface, improve and/or expand roads, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots and related areas, and pick-up/drop-off areas.
- Renovate, repair, resurface, upgrade, expand, construct and/or install and improve paved and other hard surfaces, playgrounds, playfields and landscaping.
- Repair, replace and/or upgrade exterior plumbing, irrigation, drainage + electrical systems.
Classroom and Support Facility Improvements
- Modernize, renovate, reconfigure, expand and/or improve existing classroom buildings, classrooms, labs, restrooms, common areas, related grounds and other school and support facilities, including library and multipurpose room, and equip and furnish such facilities.
- Modernize, upgrade, renovate, rehabilitate, re-configure, expand, equip and/or construct career technical education facilities, including Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) program facilities.
- Modernize, renovate, reconfigure and/or improve existing classrooms to adaptable classroom facilities that support 21st century learning environments.
- Renovate, reconfigure and/or upgrade classroom buildings and facilities as needed to install or accommodate new technology and equipment.
Acquisition and construction of a new elementary school and related facilities, including:
- Acquisition of sites and any rights-of-way and easements made necessary by construction of such facilities.
- Planning, designing and constructing the school and related facilities, including costs related to construction services, architectural design, engineering, site inspection and testing services and plan review fees.
- Associated onsite and offsite development, demolition of existing structures and other improvements made necessary for construction of such facilities.
- Construction of such school and related facilities and grounds, including necessary supporting infrastructure.
- Acquisition and installation of furnishings/equipment related to the constructed facilities.
- All or portions of these facilities may be used as joint-use projects within the meaning of Section 17077.42(c) of the Education Code (or any successor provision).
MISCELLANEOUS – Including the following as needed:
- Planning, designing and providing temporary housing necessary for listed bond projects.
- The inspection, sampling and analysis of grounds, buildings and building materials to determine the presence of hazardous materials or substances, including asbestos, lead, etc., and the encapsulation, removal, disposal and other remediation or control of such hazardous materials and substances.
- The inspection and analysis of grounds, buildings and structures to assess health and safety risks to students, faculty, staff, parents and the public and compliance with local, state and federal building, health, safety, access and other related requirements, including seismic safety requirements, Field Act requirements and access requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the improvement, correction, repair or renovation of such grounds, buildings and structures or portions thereof identified as such health and safety risks or acquire, install and/or construct other improvements to comply with such laws and requirements.
- Necessary onsite and offsite preparation or restoration in connection with new construction, renovation or remodeling, or installation or removal of relocatable buildings, including demolition of structures; removing, replacing, or installing irrigation, drainage, utility lines (gas, water, sewer, electrical, data and voice, etc.), trees and landscaping; relocating fire access roads.
- Address other unforeseen conditions revealed by construction, renovation or modernization (including plumbing or gas line breaks, dry rot, seismic and structural deficiencies, etc.).
- Furnishing and equipping of school facilities; furnishing and equipping shall include initial purchases, and scheduled and necessary replacements, upgrades and updating of technology.
- All other costs and work necessary and incidental to the listed bond projects.
- Acquisition of all or a portion of any school site or facility, or an interest therein, or make lease payments with respect to any school site or facility, encumbered in order to finance or refinance the listed bond projects pursuant to a lease, certificate of participation or lease revenue bond financing.
- Expand educational technology and keep it up-to-date
Last Modified on April 21, 2022