• Earthquake Readiness

    Murrieta Valley Unified District students join millions of Southern Californians each year for the California Great ShakeOut Drill, the duck and cover largest earthquake preparedness activity in U.S. history. Millions of people in homes, schools, businesses, government offices, and public places all over southern California drop, cover, and hold during the simulation of an earthquake. The ShakeOut Drill is an opportunity for students and staff to practice what to do when an earthquake strikes and know how to protect themselves and what steps to take afterwards.  
    For more information:

    Drop, Cover, and Hold On!

    Drop, Cover, and Hold On icons

    Read our special report about why you should "drop, cover, and hold on" to protect yourself during earthquake shaking.

    Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country, Living on Shaky Ground, and similar publications: each includes an overview of earthquake hazards, earthquake science basic information, and the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety

    Prepare, Survive, Recover

    Before the next big earthquake (or other emergency) in your area, do whatever you can to get prepared so you will survive and recover quickly. These four steps each contain a basic set of recommended actions for how to get prepared at home or in the workplace. Many are free or low cost solutions.
    Start with Step 1 by securing a potential danger in your home, something that is easy and fast to accomplish. For example, move a heavy object from a high location closer to the floor. This only will take a minute and will prevent the object from falling onto someone or causing damage. You don't need to complete all of the actions in each step before beginning the next.
    Step 1:
    Secure your space by identifying hazards and securing moveable items.
    Step 2:
    Plan to be safe by creating a disaster plan and deciding how you will communicate in an emergency.

    Step 3:
    Organize disaster supplies in convenient locations.
    Step 4:
    Minimize financial hardship by organizing important documents, strengthening your property, and considering insurance.
    During the next big earthquake, and immediately after, is when your level of preparedness will make a difference in how you and others survive and can respond to emergencies. The following steps describe what to do during earthquake shaking and immediately after.

    Step 5:
    Drop, Cover, and Hold On when the earth shakes.
    Step 6:
    Improve safety after earthquakes by evacuating if necessary, helping the injured, and preventing further injuries or damage.
    After the next big earthquake, your recovery and that of the community may take weeks to months or even longer. While earthquakes can be a traumatic experience, it's important not to let important things slip that will help you, your family, and your community get back on your feet. While this phase only has one step, the time involved will most likely be the longest, especially if your home or workplace has been damaged.
    Step 7:
    Reconnect and Restore
    Restore daily life by reconnecting with others, repairing damage, and rebuilding community.