• Purchasing Department

    The mission of the Purchasing Department is to:

    • Provide the procurement of items needed to ensure academic success while remaining fiscally responsible
    • Provide the highest level of professional service to all of our customers
    • Provide the lowest price possible without losing quality or service
    • Maintain a high level of service in a positive manner

    To accomplish this we will:

    • Maintain a cooperative effort between MVUSD and suppliers
    • Maintain a professional relationship with all vendors
    • Provide a fair opportunity for all vendors
    • Listen to our customers and their concerns
    • Be receptive to new ideas and purchasing concepts
    • Educate our customers on the process of purchasing

    The Purchasing Department is a Division of the Business Services Department of the Murrieta Valley Unified School District. The goal of the department is to award contracts based on price, service, product and stability while maintaining an honest relationship with all vendors.

    The Purchasing Department staff is responsible for:

    • Purchasing all materials, supplies and equipment for all school sites and departments
    • Processing all contracts (including public works) for construction involving modification of district facilities
    • Coordinating with the District Maintenance and Operations Departments
    • Managing the District's archived records
    • Telephones (including District cell phones)
    • Administration of Cal Card Program
    • Public Works Bids - use the following link https://www.murrieta.k12.ca.us/Page/34696

    Purchase Order and Contract District Terms and Conditions


  • Nadia Brewer - Director of Purchasing - 696-1600 ext 1068


    Joanyn Pearce-Miller - Buyer - 696-1600 ext 1078


    Stacie Gomez - Buyer - 696-1600 ext 1088  


    Vicki Oberle - Purchasing Technician - 696-1600 ext 1081


    Jody Maloney - Purchasing Technician - 696-1600 ext 1084


    Rene Abila - Warehouse Technician - 696-1600 ext 1066


    Ken Cratsenberg - Warehouse Technician - 696-1600 ext 1076


    Amadeo Santana - Warehouse Technician - 696-1600 ext 1066

Last Modified on October 28, 2024