- Murrieta Valley Unified School District
- Staff Development
- NBCT Support
NBCT Support
The mission of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) is to advance the quality of teaching and learning by maintaining high and rigorous standards for what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do; providing a national voluntary system certifying teachers who meet these standards, and; advocating related education reforms to integrate National Board Certification in American education and to capitalize on the expertise of National Board certified Teachers.
NBPTS is an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan and non-governmental organization governed by a board of directors, with the majority of its members being classroom teachers.
The National Board Certification process is based on 5 Core Propositions that serve as the foundation for accomplished teaching practice:
- Teachers are committed to students and their learning
- Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students
- Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning
- Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience
- Teachers are members of learning communities
There are NBCT certificate areas, which are based on subject matter and student development level. Each certificate has standards that define accomplished teaching for that area.
To become a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT), the new process, starting in 2014, requires a teacher to complete four components that include work samples, videotapes, and rigorous analyses of teaching and learning, probing the depth of subject matter knowledge and how best to teach it. NBCT certification lasts for 10 years. Please visit the NBPTS website for more information. MVUSD teachers can apply for grants and district subsidies to assist with certification fees. Farmers Insurance currently offers grants of $2500 through its "Thank a Million Teachers" program.
There is also a new field test opportunity that enables teachers to test drive the process.
MVUSD recognizes the importance and value of the NBCT process and the impact NBCT have on teaching and learning throughout the district. MVUSD is proud to have 14 NBCTs currently serving in our school district:
Lesly Culp, Adolescence and Young Adulthood English Language Arts
Jennifer Ekenstam, Early Childhood through Young Adulthood Exceptional Needs
Bernardo Estrada, Adolescence and Young Adulthood World LanguagesAlejandro Guerrero, Adolescence and Young Adulthood World LanguagesCarol Hernandez, Middle Childhood Generalist
Robert Kopp, Adult and Early Adolescence Mathematics
Donise Lei, Early Adolescence Science (retired)
Michelle McCarthy, Early Childhood Generalist (Coach)
Sean McCarthy, Adolescence and Young Adulthood English Language Arts (Coach)
Cherie McGregor, Early Adolescence English Language Arts (Coach)Joe Murray, Adolescent and Young Adulthood Science (Coach)Wendell Oshiro, Early Adolescence Science (Coach-retired)
Mike Papciak, Early Adolescence Social Studies
Gayle Peffers, Middle Childhood Generalist (retired)
Virginia Rogers, Middle Childhood GeneralistTheresa Schneider, Early Adolescence ScienceCecilia Zavestoski, Middle Childhood GeneralistEducational Services provides support for NBCT candidates. Many of the above NBCTs are NBPTS-certified Coaches who are trained to help candidates through the process of portfolio completion and assessment center preparation. Support meetings for active candidates are held on the last Wednesday of most months from 4:00-6:00 at E. Hale Curran Elementary School. Email Sean McCarthy or call 951-696-1600 ext. 1028 for more information about these meetings or to RSVP, and for other support options available for district candidates.National University National Board Teacher Leadership Center, which is one of 5 NBPTS-designated centers statewide offering support for NBCTs and NBCT candidates. They offer CSP training, renewal support, and advocacy for NBCTs, and candidate support, grants, and scholarships for candidates for Riverside, San Bernardino, Imperial, and San Diego counties. They also hold the only national reception honoring new NBCTs, which takes place every June. For news and information, visit their website, or follow on Facebook.