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J1 International Exchange Students
If you would like to be added to our listserv so that you can receive the latest information about placing foreign exchange students in the Murrieta Valley Unified School District, send an email request to Mick Wager.Murrieta Valley Unified School District accepts a limited number of international exchange students into the district's comprehensive high schools each year. No more than six international exchange students are placed at each of the district's comprehensive high schools. Typically, requests for placement exceed openings and the following criteria is used in the selection and placement of international exchange students.To learn more about district policies and regulations regarding the placement of international exchange students, refer to Board Policy 6145.6a and Administrative Regulation 6145.6a .
For additional information and to make arrangements for placement of an international exchange student, contact Mick Wager, Coordinator of Educational Services, at (951) 696-1600 extension 1048.
For an alphabetical listing of approved International Programs go to the California Attorney General's Registry.
The application for placement must be received by May 20 of the preceding school year for first semester or full year enrollment. Application deadline for second semester enrollment only is October 20th.
Applications received after the above noted deadlines will not be considered for acceptance and placement.
The high school enrollment agreement must be filled out completely and must indicate the name and address of the host family, and must be signed by the host family.
Selection and placement of international exchange students is weighed and balanced by country of origin to promote global awareness and diversity on each school campus.
The district provides opportunities for placement to a variety of exchange programs sanctioned by the Attorney General, giving those agencies an equal opportunity to place an international exchange student in one of the district's comprehensive high schools.
California law requires that all students provide Proof of Immunizations prior to enrollment.
Last Modified on September 30, 2024