- Murrieta Valley Unified School District
- Enrollment Timeline
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Enrollment Timeline
Please click on the month tabs to see the enrollment process deadlines.
**Please note-There is no deadline for new student enrollment.
November 4
Murrieta Valley USD begins accepting NEW Intra-district transfer (transfer within Murrieta Valley USD schools) requests for all grade levels. Intra-district transfer requests between schools are processed through Student Support at the district office.
Please submit the transfer request and a current utility bill via email to the Student Support Division.
The following schools are impacted and are not available for transfer for the upcoming 2025-26 school year:
- Cole Canyon Elementary School
- Murrieta Elementary School
- Thompson Middle School
You may submit a transfer to any other Murrieta Valley U.S.D school not impacted.
January 6
The NEW and RENEWAL Inter-district transfer (transfer from an outside school district) period opens for the upcoming school year.
Typically, the school district of residence will notify MVUSD of your request to transfer once they have released your student and approved your transfer to MVUSD. However, if the home district provides you with their signed inter-district release, please submit the signed release to MVUSDStudentSupport or in person at the District Support Center located at 41870 McAlby Court.
February 5
Online Pre-Enrollment begins for all new students. If a school is at or near capacity, new students may be assigned to another school within the district where classroom space is available. Student school assignment is based on online pre-enrollment status and submission of all documents.
Registration appointments are available if you are having problems, or need assistance in completing the online enrollment. Registration appointments
If you have completed the online enrollment, NO APPOINTMENT IS NECESSARY.
February 18
Final day of open enrollment for NEW or RENEWAL TRANSFER REQUESTS, Inter-district (from outside the district) and Intra-district (from within the district). Inter-district and intra-district approvals must be submitted to central registration via email or in-person.
Transfers that are submitted after 2/18/25 will be considered on a case by case basis.
The following schools are impacted and are not available for transfer for the upcoming 2025-26 school year:
- Cole Canyon Elementary School
- Murrieta Elementary School
- Thompson Middle School
You may submit a transfer to any other Murrieta Valley U.S.D school not impacted.
June 13
Intra and Inter Transfer decision notifications to parents will be sent no later than this date. Transfers that are submitted after 2/14/25 will be considered on a case by case basis.