• Health Questions and Answers

    Parents often have many questions and concerns regarding health issues. The following information is presented as a reference guide for several health questions and issues that commonly arise during the school year. For diagnosis and treatment, contact your own physician.

    If your child develops an illness, please notify the school office. If you have a question regarding your student’s health or safety, a health technician or district nurse is available to answer questions and provide assistance.


    Each school has a Health Technician in the office during school hours to care for your student. The District has 9 credentialed school nurses who oversee the Health Offices and they may be contacted at any time if needed.


    In order to ensure your student's health and safety, it is important for us to be made aware of any health condition the student may have. Please share ANY health problem on the health history/emergency information. This information is not only necessary for us to address students’ health and safety, it is also necessary for any emergency personnel who may be called in to care for your student. Students’ health information is confidential and will only be shared with staff on a need to know basis.


    In order to properly care for your student and notify parents when a student is ill or injured, California Education Code 49403 requires that all parents submit emergency information with their home phone, work/cell phone, and emergency contacts. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE RECEIVE THIS INFORMATION AT THE START OF EACH SCHOOL YEAR. If your student is injured or ill, and we do not have updated emergency information, we may have to call 911 for treatment at the parent’s expense. Please include at least two or three local numbers of people who could care for your student if you are not available.


    When accidental injuries occur with students, it is important for parents to have medical coverage to help offset the medical costs. A low cost accident insurance policy is available for parents to purchase. This information is sent home at the beginning of the school year and is also available in school offices.


    Murrieta Valley Unified School District recognizes that students may become ill or injured at school. An updated Emergency Card must be on file for all students with means for calling parents and designated emergency contacts. This card must be updated at the start of each new school year. When a student becomes ill or injured, the parent is called. If after attempting to contact the parents with no success, the persons designated as emergency contacts will be called. If the parent is reached via phone they may designate someone other than who is listed on the emergency card to pick up their student. An emergency contact cannot designate someone to pick up the student other than those listed on the card.

    If the parent and emergency contact(s) are unable to be reached and it is a non-911 situation, school administrators will determine the appropriate action. This can include housing the student in the health office until a parent or emergency contact is reached, contacting 911 if the injury or illness needs immediate medical treatment, or referring the situation to the police department for the possible temporary care of the student The following are guidelines only as to when a student will be sent home:

    • Fever of 100.4 degrees or greater (if a student has just come in from PE, they will be allowed to rest for 5-10 minutes and then their temperature will be re-taken to rule out false positives).
    • Rash of unknown cause that is systemic in nature or accompanied by a fever.
    • Suspected conjunctivitis (red, itchy eyes with exudate or inflamed conjunctiva)
    • Contagious conditions such as untreated ringworm, head lice, impetigo, etc.
    • Vomiting and/or diarrhea when accompanied by malaise or fever, or experiencing more than one episode in a day.
    • Any suspected fracture unless the parent requests the student be allowed to stay at school (obvious displaced fractures must be sent home)
    • Head injury with any brief loss of consciousness, severe headache or visual disturbances (otherwise 911 will be called)
    • Cuts or gashes that are greater than 1” long and 1/4” wide or if any underlying structures are visible or bleeding is not controlled within 5 minutes.

    Students who are ill or injured should not be allowed to walk home, even with a parent’s permission. If a parent or emergency contact is unable to transport the student, school administrators will be consulted. Health Office staff are not permitted to transport students. Students may only be transported in approved District vehicles.

Last Modified on September 5, 2024