• Vista Murrieta High School

    2023 – 2024 Social & Emotional Learning Focused (SELF) Class


    Teacher: Mr. Keys

    Room E117

    Phone: (951) 894- 5750 ext. 6517

    E-mail: skeys@murrieta.k12.ca.us



    The SELF class is a program designed for students who exhibit moderate behavior problems, which interfere with the learning environment for themselves and others. The main objective of the SELF class is to facilitate a structured environment while providing the students with opportunities to develop and practice appropriate and acceptable social and emotional skills thus enabling the students to successfully progress both academically and socially in their educational setting.


    A list of the expected results for SELF students during the 23/24 school year includes:

    • Academic achievement
    • Self-exploration and self-definition
    • Decision-making and problem-solving skills
    • Social and Emotional growth
    • Meaningful participation in school and community
    • Positive communication skills
    • Improved self-esteem
    • Decreased verbal outbursts and aggression
    • Increased on-task behaviors



     One of the major goals of the SELF class includes skill building through the development of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). SEL is the process of becoming more aware and efficient in social and emotional skills and includes five components:


    Social & Emotional Learning


    1.      Self-awareness: identifying and recognizing emotions; recognizing personal interests and strengths; maintaining a well-grounded sense of self-confidence.


    2.      Self-management: regulating emotions to handle stress, control impulses, and motivate oneself to persevere in overcoming obstacles, setting and monitoring progress toward the achievement of personal and academic goals; expressing emotions appropriately.


    3.      Social awareness: being able to take the perspective of and empathize with others; recognizing and appreciating individual and group similarities and differences.


    4.      Relationship skills: establishing and maintaining healthy and rewarding relationships based on cooperation and resistance to inappropriate social pressure, preventing, managing, and constructively resolving interpersonal conflict; seeking help when needed.


    5.      Responsible decision-making: making decisions based on a consideration of all relevant factors, including applicable ethical standards, safety concerns, and social norms; the likely consequences of taking alternative courses of action; evaluation and reflection.


    The students will earn points during each class as they successfully participate in class, interact appropriately with staff and peers, and stay on task during instruction and classroom activities. The points are calculated on a point sheet and sent home to be used as a communication tool to monitor and report the daily progress of the student’s behavioral and academic growth.  Please sign and return the point sheet back to the classroom on the following day.


    The points will help the students to participate in a level system in which they will earn privileges in the classroom. The privileges earned provide external motivation for students as they develop their internal motivation to succeed in academics during the school year.  Some of the external incentives used in the classroom include but are not limited to:

    • Games
    • Snacks/items from the student store
    • Movie day
    • Lunches



    All of the subjects taught in the SELF class are considered "essentials" classes covering the basic information included in the California state standards for each respective subject (English/Language Arts/Literature, Math, History, Health and Science) The curriculum, which includes a large independent work component, is modified to meet the individual student’s needs as presented in their Individual Education Plan (IEP). All special day class (SDC) programs are IEP-driven. Material is presented using multiple modalities, with much repetition and reinforcement, and at a pace that will enable the students to grasp the material at their own academic level.



    Homework will be given when the daily assignments are not completed during the scheduled classes. Students are expected to complete and turn in all assignments when they are due. Reading of core literature will be done primarily in the class but may be assigned as homework. Creative projects are assigned for some units, which will require some work to be completed at home. On the occasion that homework is assigned, it will be noted on the daily point sheets. Math Homework is assigned each lesson and is due in the next class period. 



    Tests and quizzes will be given in class. Formal tests and quizzes are usually given after the completion of chapters.



    The grades are based on completion of their daily assignments. All grades in the class are based on percentages. Higher point levels are placed on essays, tests, and quizzes. The completion of daily assignments, group work, and journal writing will also contribute to the overall grade of the student. Students will also receive a Classroom Performance Grade(CPG) that will be based on the student’s earned points for the period and is worth 30% of the student’s overall grade.


                                                                A          100 – 90

                                                                B          89 – 80

                                                                C          79 – 70

                                                                D          69 – 60

                                                                F          59 or less




    Multiple colored folders (Red, Blue, Green)

    1 Composition book


    College-ruled notebook paper

Last Modified on August 28, 2023