- Vista Murrieta High School
- Planning for College
- Graduation & UC/CSU Admission Requirements
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UC/CSU Admission Requirements
If you wish to attend a four-year college or university, you will need to know about admissions requirements so that you can take classes and earn grades to qualify. The entrance requirements described below meet California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC) admissions requirements (also known as the "a-g" requirements.) To view the approved Vista Murrieta High School UC/CSU A-G courses go to: htps://doorways.ucop.edu/list/ There are thousands of colleges and universities and because each is unique, we advise you to contact private and out-of-state public institutions for their specific requirements. Community colleges and other two-year institutions require a high school diploma for admission.
History/Social Science:High School: World History must be taken in 10th grade or the summer before (some exceptions apply), US History must be taken in 11th grade or the summer before, and Government and Economics (one semester each) must be taken in 12th grade or the summer before. You must earn a "D" or better in each semester.UC/CSU-"a": Two years of social science are needed to satisfy the "a" requirement. The third year that is required for high school graduation will meet the "g" requirement for one year of college prep electives. You must earn a "C" or higher in each semester
English:High School: You must earn a "D" or better in all semesters of English I, II, III, IV. ESL (English as a Second Language) classes can be substituted for any of these.UC/CSU-"b": Four years of English are needed to satisfy the "b" requirement. You must earn a "C" or better in each semester of English I, II, III, IV. Only one year of ESL course work can be substituted for any of these.Math:
High School: Completion of Algebra I is required for graduation. Students typically take math classes in the following order. Algebra IA, Algebra IB, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre Calculus, Calculus. See the course offerings sheet for other math classes. Students must take three years of math. You must earn a "C" or better in second semester of each course in order to progress to the next level. Because math courses are progressive, you need not repeat the first semester of a math class if you earn a "D", as long as you pass the 2nd semester with a "C" or higher. However, any "D's" will be factored into your GPA and could affect your opportunities for admission to college.UC/CSU-"c": Three years of college preparatory math are needed to satisfy the "c" requirement; a fourth year of college preparatory math is strongly recommended. The UC/CSU systems permit students to earn "D" grades in the first semester of some math courses, but the "D" is factored into the grade point average. We strongly urge that "D" grades be repeated to increase chances of admission.Science:
High School: One year of a life/biological science and one year of a physical science are required. The course offerings sheet shows which sciences are life/biological and which are physical. Students must earn a “D” or better each semester. It is important that you meet the math prerequisites specified in the course profiles.
UC/CSU-“d”: Two years of a lab science are needed to satisfy the “d” requirement. Earth and Space science is a UC/CSU approved elective; it fulfills the “g” requirement, but does not fulfill the “d” requirement. A third year of a lab science is strongly recommended. You must earn a “C” or better in each semester of science.Language other than English:
High School: One year of a language other than English is required for graduation. If you take a world language, you must earn a “C” or better in 2nd semester in order to progress to the next level. Because language classes are progressive, you need not repeat the first semester of a language if you earn a “D”, provided you pass the second semester with a “C” or higher. “D's” however, are factored into your GPA and may affect college admissions
UC/CSU-“e”: Two years of the same language other than English are needed to satisfy the “e” requirement. You must earn a “C” or better in the 2nd semester of the second year of a language other than English. A third year of a language is strongly recommended; however, if you don’t feel you could pass the third year with a “C” or higher, we suggest that you take another UC/CSU college preparatory approved class instead. Refer to the key on the course offerings sheet for approved classes. American Sign Language will meet the language requirement for most colleges, but not for all. Please check with colleges you may want to apply to before enrolling in American Sign Language. Languages that VMHS doesn't offer may be taken off-campus at a community college or through a district-approved independent language school (see your counselor). NOTE: Languages taken in middle school will count toward college admission only if the final year is completed in high school.Visual and Performing Arts:
High School: Two semesters are needed. We offer yearlong classes in order to meet this requirement. There are four different areas: Dance, Drama, Music and Visual. You must earn a D or better in each semester.
UC/CSU-“f”: One year of an approved yearlong course is needed to satisfy the “f” requirement. You must earn a “C” or better each semester.Physical Education:
High School: Two years of physical education are required. All students are required to complete “P.E. 9” in 9th grade. A second year of Physical Education is required which can be selected from a variety of options.
UC/CSU: Physical Education is not required.Health/Computers & Careers:High School: A semester course of Health and a semester of Computers and Careers are needed for graduation. You must earn a "D" or better in each.UC/CSU: Computers/Careers and Health is not required.
Electives:High School: 50 elective units are needed to graduate. Any class qualifies as an elective once you’ve met the graduation requirement in that subject area. As long as you make sure you have the 230 units needed to graduate, the 50 elective units will automatically be satisfied.UC/CSU-“g”: The “g” requirement (Approved Electives) is met through our high school social science graduation requirement or other UC/CSU approved courses. The more UC/CSU approved (college prep) electives you take, the more prepared you will be for college and the more competitive your college application will be. Refer to the course catalog for ideas on other approved courses. If you are unsure about the material covered in a particular class, you can review course descriptions in the VMHS course catalog.