Juniors Welcome Letter
  • Welcome back, Juniors! We hope you enjoyed your summer and are ready to begin another exciting year at VMHS. We are available to help you resolve problems, find information, access resources, and assist you with your educational and post high school planning.

    Our goal remains to help you reach your academic and personal potential. Junior year is very important to the continued development of your ILCP (Individualized Learning & Career Plan).

    • You should continue building your resume and researching post high options. Your exploration may include attending college representative information sessions, visiting college campuses, setting up a job shadowing experience, and attending our various career exploration programs, such as Career Options Night, and Military Visit Wee.

    It is important to keep in mind that while colleges consider your whole academic record, many pay special attention to your academic performance junior year. Additionally, most colleges and employers take note of what you do outside the classroom. We strongly encourage you to get (or stay) involved this year, and better yet to take on some leadership.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. We can be reached at (951) 894-5750 or by email. We look forward to seeing you soon.


    VMHS Counseling Team

Last Modified on September 25, 2024