C.L.A.S.S. the Bronco Way
1. What is the best way to contact you?
A: Email! srees@murrieta.k12.ca.us
2. Which grade is more accurate, Canvas or Aeries?
A: Canvas synchs with Aeries every night so they should both be accurate. If there is a discrepancy, then Canvas is more accurate.
3. How can my student best succeed in your class?
A: As long as your student keeps up with the work, then they will pass.
3. Can I donate to your class?
A: Yes! Here's the link: https://vmhs.myschoolcentral.com/(S(rrpfx3cm2himwlz1ui40bd4a))/Index.aspx#/65497/product/1092 Any amount is appreciated! :)