• School Site Council

    The California Education Code requires that a school site council develop a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for Consolidated Application programs operated at the school or in which the school participates.  In addition, Pupil Retention and School and Library Improvement Block Grant programs operated at the school must be included in the SPSA.  The school site council must approve the plan, recommend it to the local governing board for approval, monitor implementation of the plan and evaluate the results.  At least annually, the school site council must revise the plan, including proposed expenditures of funds allocated to the school through the Consolidated Application, and recommend it to the local governing board for approval.


    The VMHS School Site Council is made up of members from administration, teachers, school employees, parents and students, the majority of which must be an equal number of teachers and parents, who are selected by members of their perspective groups. Site Council members are elected for two-year terms. Three virtual meetings are held in the academic year to discuss LCAP, SPSA, and School Safety Report. 

Last Modified on September 6, 2024