Freshman Welcome Letter

    Welcome, New Broncos on the Block!

    You’re about to begin your first, exciting year at VMHS – what a journey it will be! We look forward to meeting and working with you and your family.

    Without question, the freshman year is busy and demanding, but it will also be full of important memories. Let us help you make the most of this year and beyond, so you can reach your true potential. Our goal is to provide you with assistance and support throughout your years at VMHS. We’re available to help resolve problems, find information, access resources, and assist with your educational and post high school planning.

    This year, we will work together to ensure your academic success and lay the foundation for your future. We will begin by establishing your ILCP (Individualized Learning & Career Plan). Your ILCP involves exploration, reflection and planning. The continued development of your ILCP will require you to engage in a series of tasks and activities through CCGI and counselor-led lessons.

    One way to start off preparing for success in high school is to get involved in extracurricular activities. Research indicates that participating in activities builds a stronger connection to school, develops better time management skills, and surrounds students with others who are striving to excel. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to participate in at least one sport or activity this year. VMHS is a large and diverse school that has many activities to meet the needs and interests of all students.

    Should you have a question, find us and we will figure it out together. We can be reached at (951) 894-5750 or by email. Our offices are located in the East and West Halls. We look forward to working with you.


    The VMHS Counseling Team

Last Modified on November 29, 2023