- Vista Murrieta High School
- Jeffrey Burgos
SMSgt Burgos' Page
Welcome to JROTC! I am SMSgt Burgos and this is my 8th year as a JROTC Instructor at VMHS. I will be teaching Leadership Education and Health and Wellness to all cadets this year. Additionally, this will be the second year of the Cyber Patriot program where cadets will work in a team and defend a computer network. Cyber Security is a fast growing field and one that is needed in all industries. I will manage the cadets as we learn together in this exciting opportunity.
We have three instructors and each of us teach three JROTC classes each semester. For the spring semester, we switch classes to allow us to learn more about each cadet. For this Fall semester, I am teaching freshmen during 1st period (Bravo Flight), seniors during 3rd period (Charlie Flight), and sophomores during 4th period (Foxtrot Flight).
There are three main focuses for the curriculum. Leadership Education, Aerospace Science, and Wellness will be taught in each class.
The grading is fairly simple. The weekly uniform inspection is worth 35 percent of the grade. Weekly physical training (PT) is worth 35% of the grade. The other 30 percent is split between Leadership Education and Aerospace Science which is taught in the classroom. It is extremely important that cadets wear their uniforms properly and participate in PT with the proper PT issued uniform.
If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to email me at jburgos@murrieta.k12.ca.us