- Vista Murrieta High School
- MLA Rules
These links are a helpful tool....
http://www.sandhills.edu/academic-departments/english/wordguide/mlaformat.htmlMLA Rules to RememberMLA Heading, Headers and MarginsAll formal papers should include the MLA header and every page should have a header on it. All papers must be double spaced, must observe the one-inch margins on all sides, must be in twelve-point font, Times New Roman and must be left-margin justified.
The MLA Heading:
Your Name (Your Name)
Mr. Stein (Teacher Name)
English IV (Class)
26 February 2016 (Date the paper is due)
Every line in your paper should be double spaced, including the space between the heading and the text.
The header: The header with your last name and the page number should appear at the top right-hand corner of every page of your paper. If you can't do this with your computer, do it by hand, e. g.
Notice that the same font is used in the header as is used throughout the paper, there is no comma or other mark of punctuation after the heading, and there is a single space between the name and the page number.
For most word programs, set your header by selecting "View" on the menu, clicking on "Header and Footer," clicking on the icon that moves from header to footer, and then typing in the text you want. You type in your last name, insert a space, and then click on the # sign. The program will insert the appropriate page number there. Make sure before closing that your header is typed in the same font as the one you're using in your paper.
Line Spacing: Every line of the paper, really, every line, must be double spaced. No line should be more than double spaced. If you have the new Word, you'll need to fix the "space after" to zero.
Margins: MLA formatting requires four one-inch margins. You don't need to re-adjust your computer-printer if your margins are not exactly one inch. For written work, you must include one-inch margins for both sides and for the bottom of the page. This way I can write comments on the paper.