• Business Services

    Mission Statement: The mission of Business Services is to provide fiscal and supportive leadership that ensures academic success for every student.

    The Business Services Division of the Murrieta Valley Unified School District administers a wide variety of programs and develops the District's budget. Areas of operation covered by Business Services include: 
    • District Budget- Development and control of the District’s budget, monitoring revenues and expense
    • Nutrition Services - Preparing and serving approximately 2,301,454 meals each school year, 12,786 meals per day
    • Transportation - Providing students with home-to-school transportation and transportation for student field trips and athletic events as well as allowing the community use of school buses
    • Fiscal Services - Accounts payable and receivable
    • Payroll Services - Processing payroll for approximately 2,400 district employees
    • Purchasing - Purchasing and receiving school supplies, furnishings and equipment
    • Student Attendance - Maintaining student attendance accounting records and completing State-mandated attendance reports
Last Modified on July 25, 2022