• Mr. Ramer's Study Skills Class
    It is with great pleasure that I teach your student(s) here at Vista Murrieta High School. I have the privilege to assist the students of my fifth period class, study skills. This class will be dedicated to the extraordinary kids you have and to their abilities of getting work accomplished, finished and understood in a different environment other then the class that has assigned it. Study Skills will allow your student to expand on the concepts, theories of their academic classes here at Vista Murrieta High School.
    We will have a weekly agenda check that your student takes with them to every class and write their assignments on and bring to class every day. This agenda will then be turned in for points and a grade on Friday of that week. It is solely the student's responsibility to gather the assignments and get this sheet of paper to me on Friday for their grade. It would be a great disappointment to have the sheet and get nothing accomplished due to their choice of not using this assignment sheet. It is a tool that will assist them in organization, record keeping and assignment tracking in all their classes, not just mine.
    Study Skills Syllabus
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    Text @ramerss to (214)216-2903 or email ramerss@mail.reminder101.com to stay up-to-date.


Last Modified on March 25, 2022