Character, Leadership, Attitude, Scholarship, Service



    Stabling Knowledge

    Our school library is more than just books.  It is a learning hub with a full range of print and electronic media that support student achievement.  These resources include books, magazines, e-books, computers, databases and more, while supporting your student with a sense of community and a place where they belong! 




    Home access to materials and databases has never been easier!

    Beginning with Destiny Discover, our school library catalog now has a QR code that can be scanned for quick access to view what is available in print or e-book.  Office 365 gives students access to their own files from home or any location with a computer, the Internet and WiFi.  Students can use the additional online databases available for research, information, or just to broaden their knowledge.

    Click on the link below to view a complete list of MVUSD Databases & Resources:




    Destiny Discover

     Select school site: Vista Murrieta High School.  Search by title, author, or series to see availability.  E-books can be checked out using SORAapp.com with the student's nine-digit number and password. 





     What Is Information Literacy?

    "The ability to:

    1.  Determine the nature and extent of the information needed.

    2.  Access needed information effectively and efficiently.

    3.  Evaluate information and its sources critically and incorporate selected information into one's knowledge base.

    4.  Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose.

    5.  Understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information and access and use information ethically and legally."


    Why Do We Continue to Invest in Books When Students Have the Internet?

    Our students need both resources if they are to learn and achieve.  We teach our kids to be readers at a young age and, as they mature, we would like them to love reading!  The love of reading improves their reading level, builds their vocabulary and expands their awareness of the world.  At all times, hoping that they will absorb  some content.  We are all aware of fake information in the world, but not everything that is on Google is correct.  The same is true with printed information, newspapers, magazines and even beloved books.  But we need students to learn and to balance the information as they factor in the different viewpoints and determine a viewpoint to be reliable or biased. This process is not a science.  Books are the cornerstone of education and are required to build a well rounded student.   


    Evaluating Web Sites 

    The World Wide Web offers information and data from all over the world.  Because so much information is available and because that information can appear to be  fairly "anonymous", it is necessary to develop skills to evaluate what is found.  When using a research or academic library, the information has been evaluated by scholars, publishers and librarians, making the information found 99% more accurate.  Remembering that anyone can write a Web page and that documents of the widest range of quality, written by authors of the widest range of authorities are available, is important.  In evaluating a website, these are some questions that should be asked:

    1. Is the site sponsored by a group or organization?  If it is sponsored by a group or company, does the group advocate a certain philosophy?  Try to find and read "About Us" or similar information.

    2.Is there any bias evident on the site?  Is the site trying to sell a product?  Ask why the page was put on the web.

    3. Is there a date on the website?  Is it sufficiently up-to-date?  Undated factual or statistical information should not be used, question where it came from.

    4. How credible and authentic are the links to other sources?  Are the links evaluated or annotated in any way?  

     world wide


    Ideas that may Encourage your Teen to Read!

    1. Set an example.  Let your kids see you reading for pleasure.

    2. Make sure your home has a variety of reading materials.  Leave books, magazines, and newspapers out.  Check to see what disappears for a clue to what interests your teen.

    3. Give teens an opportunity to choose their own books.  When you and your teen go out together, browse in a bookstore or library.  Go separate ways and make your own selections.  

    4. Build on your teen's interest.  Look for books and articles that feature their favorite sports teams, hobbies, or TV shows.  Gift a subscription to a special interest magazine.

    5.  View pleasure reading as a value in itself.  Almost anything your teenager reads - including a text message or Sunday Comics - helps build reading skills.

    love to read  


Last Modified on May 23, 2023