- Vista Murrieta High School
- Math III Syllabus
Reece, Bobbie
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Dear Parents and Guardians,
It’s my pleasure to have your child in my math class this year. Please take the time to read the course syllabus along with your student. Math III covers many objectives and will require a great deal of effort from each student. To do well, students must attend class on a regular basis, complete all assignments, and study for each quiz and exam. Additionally, they should refrain from using their cell phones during class time. In order to support students and the learning environment, I will require students to place their phones in our “phone hotel” at the beginning of each class.
Classwork and homework will be assigned on a regular basis. All assignments, as well as quiz and test dates, are posted in Canvas. Please refer to the Unit "Page" for the assignment calander, NOT the student's "To Do" list. The most up to date grades can be found in the Canvas. I will sync Aries to my Canvas gradebook, but please note that syncing isn’t always instantaneous. If there is a discrepancy between the two, Canvas will reflect the accurate grade.
I encourage my students and their parents to communicate with me as often as possible. You may call or e-mail me at school (emails receive the quickest response). I will be more than happy to answer any questions you have.
Bobbie Reece
(951) 894-5750 ext. 6672
Math III
Course Syllabus
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course covers a variety of concepts, including, but not limited to: Interpreting & Building Functions, Trigonometry & Geometry, the Complex Number System, Arithmetic with Polynomial & Rational Expressions, Creating & Reasoning with Equations & Inequalities, and Probability.
Required Supplies
- A notebook or designated section in a binder for math notes.
- Additional lined paper for doing assignments
- something to write with (pencil or pen)
- scientific calculator
Suggested Additional Supplies
- graph paper
- ruler or protractor
- colored pencils and/or highlighters
GRADING POLICY: Grades are cumulative throughout each semester and will be based on demonstrated mastery of concepts and development of skills. Student performance will be assessed in three areas:
Tests = 50%
Quizzes = 30%
Classwork/Homework = 20%
9o-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
0-59% = F
HOMEWORK/CLASSWORK: CW & HW will be assigned on a regular basis. Homework will be due at the beginning of the next class session unless stated otherwise (HW assignments in Canvas are due by midnight the night before the next class session). Students may turn in late work for half credit up until the day of the test. Of course, students will be permitted to make up missed assignments when there is an excused absence from class. They will be given one extra class period for each day of absence. Also, when a student is absent, any homework that was due on the day of the absence must be turned in immediately upon their return to class.
EXAMS AND QUIZZES: There will be one to three quizzes and one test per unit. Also, there will be a final exam at the end of each semester. If a student misses a quiz or test it is their responsibility to communicate with me as soon as possible.
- More often than not, I will request that the student make up the quiz or test the following class session (after the new lesson is taught).
- If a student misses the day before a test (that is, they miss the review), they must still take the test with the rest of the class.
CHEATING POLICY: Any student caught cheating will receive zero points for that particular assignment, quiz, or exam. A referral may also be given. Cheating includes, but is not limited to: using cheat sheets, talking during an assessment, helping a classmate work out a problem, and/or having a mobile phone out during any assessment.
General Class Rules
Major Offenses
- Do not talk while teacher is talking
- No electronic devices without teacher approval
- Work only on current assignment
- No food or drinks (water is ok)
- No applying cosmetics or nail polish
- Do not use profanity
Consequences: Call Home, Confiscation, and/or Detention. Repeat offenses may receive additional consequences
- Leaving Classroom without permission
- Defiance
- Throwing objects
- Verbal abuse of another person
- Cheating
- Fighting
Consequences: Immediate removal from classroom, Referral, Call Home, and/or further discipline by administration.
Basically, demonstrate C.L.A.S.S., put forth your best effort, and make good decisions!