• Study Skills Syllabus

    Email Mrs. Hamilton: chamilton@murrieta.k12.ca.us

    Email Mrs. Culver: mculver@murrieta.k12.ca.us





    Teacher: Carrie Hamilton

    Instructional Aide: Lynn Culver
    Phone: (951) 894-5750 ex 6571
    Email: chamilton@murrieta.k12.ca.us       




    The Study Skills class is designed to:


    ·        provide additional support for academic classes

    ·        familiarize students with various learning styles

    ·        teach organizational skills

    ·        help students become advocates for themselves

    ·        allow students the opportunity to progress on the goals of their

    Individual Education Plan (IEP).


    There will also be opportunities for the students to work on career and college education exploration. 


    Course Expectations


    Students are expected to attend class regularly and arrive to class on time with the necessary materials and tools to complete their assignments.  This class is a privilege and students who do not use their time wisely will be dropped and recommended for another elective class.  The Vista Murrieta High School rules pertaining to attendance, tardiness, discipline, dress code, telephone/electronic devices, and all other rules and requirements outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook (Agenda) will be strictly enforced.


    1. Class requirements will help students become more organized and develop a good work ethic through the maintenance of their school agenda.

    2.  Students are expected to review and use their agenda to organize and complete homework assignments for other classes in the Study Skills class. This class is designed to give support to RSP students.  It is not free time to do nothing or social time.  Students are required to bring a book of their choice to read in class for the times they have no homework assignments to complete for other classes.





    Come prepared to learn!  Bring:

    ·        a 3-ring binder, with 5 or 6 color dividers

    ·        lots of lined paper

    ·        pencils with erasers

    ·        blue or black ink pens-they should be erasable ink. 

    ·        novel of your choice every day.


    Classroom Behavior/Rules

    ·        Bring all required materials to class every day. This includes the agenda and class work/homework assignments for all classes.

    ·        Be in assigned seat and ready to work when bell rings.

    ·        Be respectful of all those involved in the learning process.

    ·        No eating, drinking (except water), or chewing gum in the class. 

    Completing the Agenda
    Each student was given an agenda notebook at registration that must be filled in prior to class.  Each day’s entry should include the following:

    ·        Class name

    ·        Period

    ·        Teacher’s name

    ·        Assignment title

    ·        Due date

    ·        If nothing was assigned that day, write “no hw”



    Credit for this course is based on participation in this class, progress reports in other classes, and agenda completion. 



    40% = Participation

    40%= Progress Reports

    20%= Agenda Completion


    There is no homework or make-up work in this class.  You are learning to organize your notebook, manage your time, and how to study to help you succeed and maintain a C or better grade in all classes.  If you do your work in this class, and follow the strategies you are given and do HOMEWORK NINE (9) HOURS A WEEK (1½ hours a night and 1½ hours on the weekend) you will be successful!  You will work on your most difficult assignments in this class.


Last Modified on November 12, 2013