- Vista Murrieta High School
- Vocational Education/TPP
Hamilton, Carrie
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Vocational Education/TPP Syllabus
Email Mrs. Hamilton: chamilton@murrieta.k12.ca.us
Class Syllabus / Program DescriptionVista Murrieta High School
Mrs. Carrie Hamilton
Vocational Education/Transitional Planning Program (Voc Ed/TPP)
Welcome to Vocational Education/Transitional Planning Program! In TPP, the students will focus on transitioning out of high school. The course will assist in formulating a plan to be completed after high school. The students will have daily seat work, projects, presentations, and will be required to take notes. Parents will be kept informed regarding important dates that may be of interest to you and your student.
In order to ensure success for your student, it is important that lines of communication are open. Please feel free to call, write, or email me anytime, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Call: (951) 894-5750 x 6571
Write: Send a note with your student
Email: chamilton@murrieta.k12.ca.us
Program Description:
To provide instruction on transition topics such as:
- Career exploration
- Financial Aid
- DMV and/or getting a license
- Students’ strengths and weaknesses
- Disability awareness
- Resumes
- Employment skills
Discipline Policy:
In order to create a positive atmosphere for learning, the following discipline policy will be enforced throughout the year.
Classroom Policy:
- Respect the safety, property and rights of others: keep language positive; respect each other’s space; keep your desk and chair on the floor etc.
- Stay focused in class: keep your attention on the class, behave in a way that promotes learning and teaching, etc.
- Be cooperative and courteous: raise your hand to talk; only one person should be talking at a time; stay in your seat unless you ask the teacher; leave electronics at home, etc.
- Eating and drinking should be done outside of class (except water).
- Be on time to class.(School Tardy Policy enforced)
Citizenship grade Teacher praise
Positive reports/phone calls home Classroom celebration
- Warning/ verbal reminder of rules
- Severe and/or repeated offenses will result in a referral
- Parent/ Teacher conference
Required materials
Each student will need to bring the following materials to each class session:
- Notebook paper
- Pencils with erasers
Grading Policy
Student grades are based on preparedness, classroom performance, organization of notebooks, and participation in class activities, along with some home assignments. Academic grades are determined by calculating the percent of points accumulated throughout each semester using the following scale:
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
Students will be asked to supply certain information or to complete some tasks at home. These will be included as part of their overall grade.
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- Career exploration