• Juniors at VMHS will write a research paper during the second semester of the school year.  On this page of my website, you will find the necessary documents to help and guide you with the research paper.  If you misplace any of the handouts students received in class, you will need to print your replacement(s) from this page. 
    Link #1
    Research Paper Rubric  This is the rubric for the English III research paper. 
     Link #2
    Works Cited Example  This is the sample Works Cited page that I distributed in class.  
    Link #3  
    MLA Notes from Purdue OWL's Website  This document includes the four pages of  MLA notes that I distributed in class.
    Link #4
    Body Paragraphs and Concluding Paragraph   This document includes notes regarding how to write a body paragraph and how to write a concluding paragraph.  I distributed these notes to students in class.
    Link #5
    Research Paper Handout  This is the handout which describes the requirements of the research paper.  I distributed this document in class.  

Last Modified on March 19, 2013