    On this page, you will find documents that you will need for the second semester of English III.


    Juniors and seniors must take the SAT if they are planning to attend a four-year university/college.  Per SAT guidelines, there is an essay component, which must be completed within 25 minutes.  This means that students will only have 25 minutes to read the prompt, brainstorm and compose a well-developed and intelligible essay.  Because college students are expected to write timed essays, we will be preparing students for this type of composition throughout the year.  
    Juniors will also take the EAP in March.  This writing test is part of the CST.  We will continue to work on this type of an essay.


    Link #1
    Persuasive Format  When we begin our persuasive writing unit, students will print this form and bring it to class. 
    Link #2
    Prefixes Suffixes and Roots   This handout is a comprehensive list of prefixes, suffixes and roots. It contains examples and definitions.  
    Link #3
    Response to Literature Rubric  This is the rubric for your Response to Literature Essays.  Print this rubric and keep it in your notebook.  
    Link #4
    Link #5 - formerly Link #16
    Independent Reading Unit Handout   This document includes a description of the Independent Reading Unit (IRU) unit and presentation.  This document also includes twenty possible journal questions.  Students are expected to select and respond to ten questions.  We have spent a significant amount of time learning and reviewing grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and sentence structure.  Students are expected to compose well-written and developed responses to ten questions.  Per the handout, you will type the journal and submit it on the day of your presentation.  We will discuss all of these items and more in class, in detail.  
    Link #6
    All About Me Presentation   This presentation is designed to help you work towards completing your Senior Exit Interview, which is a new graduation requirement for all MVUSD students.  For my class, you will create a Prezi presentation or a Google Apps presentation that you will use during your individual 4-6 minute presentation.  I suggest you keep your presentation and add to it during your senior year as you continue to develop and complete this graduation requirement.   Students complete the official Senior Exit Interview during their senior year. 
    Link #7
    Spring Semester Final Exam Study Guide  This document includes all of the content you need to know if preparation for the Spring semester final exam.  You should consult this document and study the terms on your own to ensure you comprehend the information.  We will cover some of the items in class, but you will want to dedicate some time to reviewing for the final exam.  
    Link #8
    EAP Rubric  This is the EAP rubric.  I distributed a copy to each student in class and instructed students to keep it because students will refer to it frequently.  If you lose your copy, you will need to print a new one.
    Link #9
    Book Descriptions for Independent Reading Unit This list includes a description of all of the books that are included on the IRU (Independent Reading Unit) list.  Select three of interest to you.  When we go to the library, if your first choice is unavailable, you will quickly need to select another book. 

    Link #10

    EAP Prompt, Sample Essay and Group Questions   This document includes three items: the first practice EAP prompt of the year, my sample essay and the questions for all eight groups.  
    Link #11
    Good Example of Senior Exit Interview PowerPoint/All About Me Presentation  This is an example of how to organize your PowerPoint for your All About Me Presentation/Senior Exit Interview PowerPoint.  If you were absent when I reviewed this PowerPoint in class, contact a classmate for the notes.
Last Modified on March 6, 2013