• Ethnic Studies
    Course #1925                               
    Grade Level: 10-12
    Prerequisite: None
    Length: Semester
    The course meets UC/CSU (G) and District history requirements for elective credit.  This course is an in-depth examination of the interchanges among members of various ethnic groups who have settled in Southern California from early times to today.  The course builds upon the identities of the students in the high schools and supports them in understanding of self and others.  The ideas and standards found in the History/Social Science state framework, as well as the California Standards for Historical and Social Science analysis skills.  The underlying assumption for this course is that students need to better understand how they and their ethnicity/culture help to make up the Southern California mosaic.
    Teacher Adriana Flores adflores@murrieta.k12.ca.us
Last Modified on January 5, 2021