• World Religions
    Course # 1906                               
    Grade Level: 10-12
    Prerequisite: Modern World History or AP Human Geography
    Length: Semester
    The course meets UC/CSU (G) and District history requirements for elective credit.  Students will consider today's active principal religions of the world - Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism.  Students will deal with basic questions such as:  What does humankind believe and what do they worship?  How do the worship?  What is their understanding of the ethical life?  What influence does their religion have on culture?  Rites and rituals, histories and key figures, orthodoxy and modern movements will be examined while looking at the sacred texts of each, as well as their respective scholars.
                                               World Religions Teachers                                          
    Zack Paterson zpaterson@murrieta.k12.ca.us X 6592 
Last Modified on December 26, 2016