
    Parent's Page

    Hello Parents! This page is designed to help you help your student succeed this year in CP Chemistry.  Below are some links and useful information that will allow you to help your student navigate the waters of chemistry this year:
    Student Grades:  Student grades are updated weekly on CANVAS! Over the next couple of weeks you will start to see grades posted on the ABI system.  The web address to access your student's grade is https://aeriesnet.murrieta.k12.ca.us.  You will need a username and password to access it.  Your student should be given this account information during the first few weeks of school.  If they have not received this, please contact their counselor for access instructions.  If you have an account from previous years, it should still be in place and active.
    Chemistry Class Website:  My chemistry CANVAS page is the primary mode of communication outside of the classroom.  It lists the lessons completed, has links to vital notes and activities performed in class, and has links to all guided practice and project assignments.  It is absolutely vital students check Canvas every day for lesson submission links and to see all we did in class that day, especially if they are absent from class.  
    Student Notebook:  All chemistry students must have a chemistry-specific 5 subject notebook.  All notes, activity/guided practice lessons, and labs will be put into this notebook.  It is organized into 4 sections: the first two sections are for notes; the third and fourth section for Activities/Guided Practice; and the fifth for labs.  It is absolutely crucial that students keep their notebook organized and updated.  If students miss a class due to illness, family business, sports, or other school business, it is vital that they check my Canvas website for the notes, activity, or lab they missed.  
    Studying for Chemistry:  Chemistry is a step up from Biology, and therefore is a more difficult course.  Students are expected to spend some time studying chemistry and taking notes at home multiple times per week.  Chemistry is usually not a class that students can "glide through" by simply being present in class.  They will have to spend time solving problems, memorizing and applying terms, and studying for quizzes and tests.  Please encourage your student to take a small amount of time each day to study chemistry.  A little bit every day will be less stressful than trying to cram it all in the night before a quiz or test.  Plus, working with the material a little every day will help the information get stored in their long-term memory rather than their short-term memory, making it more easily accessible and valuable when it comes to test time.It is my intent to help your student not only learn chemistry, but also valuable study skills that they can take with them in their future.  However, if your student is still struggling, here are some links that may be useful:
    Tips for Multiple Choice Tests -Chemistry tests have Multiple Choice and Short Answer parts
    Tips for Short Answer Tests -Chemistry tests have Multiple Choice and Short Answer parts
    Test-taking Tips for PARENTS
    **All links above are from the following website:  www.testtakingtips.com
    Contacting Me:  If you have any questions or concerns about your student's progress in chemistry.  Please do not hesitate to contact me right away.  The best way to contact me is through Cnavas inbox or e-mail.  My e-mail address is kcarrillo@murrieta.k12.ca.us.  You can also reach my voice mail at (951) 894-5750 ext. 6645.  Again, please feel free to contact me, even if it is just a simple question or concern.  My job is to help your student succeed in chemistry.
Last Modified on August 28, 2023