MSJC Enrollment / Matriculation

  • The California Education Code has provided a special program for high school students who are able to benefit from advanced scholastic studies. To that end, upon the written recommendation of the high school principal, students in grades Ten, Eleven, and Twelve may enroll in 11 units of instruction or 2 courses that are not remedial courses at a college or university. Students are recommended to have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher to enroll

DE Process for all Students

    • Meet with a high school counselor and add the dual enrollment class to your course request
    • Go to VMHS Canvas "MSJC/DE Enrollment" and follow steps to become an MSJC student
      • Submit an application for admission to MSJC
      • Activate your MSJC account
      • Complete the online MSJC orientation
      • Submit a School/Parent Agreement Form "SPA Form" (every semester) by the specified deadline
    • Register for courses through the MSJC Self Service Portal prior to the MSJC semester commencing
    • Pay MSJC Fees Through Self Service Portal on the day you register 
      • Student Representation Fee
      • Student Government Fee
      • Student Health Fee
      • Transportation Fee for select courses
  • High school students in grades 10 through 12 wishing to participate in this program must submit a "School Parent Agreement Form, (SPA)" or Concurrent Enrollment form online through their VMHS Canvas tile. 

    The student is responsible for completing the college registration process, which includes the completion of an application for admission and completing the MSJC online orientation session. This process must be completed before MVUSD staff meets with the college to submit all documents needed by the college to pre-register students for the requested courses. Once pre-registered by MSJC, students will receive instructions on how to register for courses on their MSJC Self Service Account prior to the semester commencing. 

Steps to Register - Timeline for Fall 2024

    • Parents and students will receive an email guiding students to their VMHS Canvas page. Detailed instructions on completing the Dual Enrollment/Concurrent Enrollment registration process are located in the "MSJC/DE Enrollment" tile. Students will need to make sure they follow instructions and the timeline to properly complete the registration process. 


    February/March: Select courses during registration

    April 26th: Receive emailed instructions with matriculation steps

    May 10th: SPA (Student/Parent Agreement) Form due online in student's "MSJC/DE Enrollment" Canvas tile. All matriculation steps must be completed by this hard deadline, or you run the risk of not being enrolled in the course of choice. 

    MSJC Steps to Enroll

Last Modified on April 30, 2024