
    Home of C.L.A.S.S. Act Productions!  

    Director: Mr. Cory Finch
    Classroom #: P - 152
    Email Address: cfinch@murrieta.k12.ca.us
    Phone Number: 951-894-5750 x6742
    Back to School Night Videos Below (Separated by Course)

    Welcome to Drama! We have a variety of courses offered in Theatre Arts:


    Drama I (Periods 1, 2, 3, 5), introduces terminology, and basic performing skills in a variety of classroom activities;

    Drama II (Period 4), an intermediate level course and provides more opportunities both in class and outside of class to build performance skills;

    Drama III/IV (Period 6), students continue to master performance skills through the production process. These students produce a full-length play and perform in High School Theatre Festivals around Southern California.

    ***After school and / or some weekend time is required for Drama II, III and IV***
    Technical Theatre (Period 7): This course will offer students a chance to learn, develop and master designing and building skills required backstage for productions in a variety of styles.
    The mission of VMHS Drama Club is to build critical thinking skills, emphasize time-management skills, provide a safe creative environment and expose students to a variety of classical and contemporary Theatrical Productions. Drama Club produces full-length productions as well as a variety of other productions. There are many opportunities available to ALL students of ALL levels of experience, including: performing, designing, building, analyzing and attending performances. Drama club also provides students 'Community Service' opportunities by volunteering on campus and throughout the community.


Last Modified on August 24, 2022