
    Drama I

    "I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which
    a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being."
    Thornton Wilder (1897-1975, Pulitzer Prize winning American playwright and novelist. 
    Back To School Night Video Introduction
    Syllabus:  Here is the link for course requirements, expectations and grading procedures for this course:  
                     Drama I Syllabus                                                    
    STANDARDS: The State Board of Education (SBE) adopted the California Arts Standards for Public Schools, P-K Through Grade Twelve (Arts Standards) on January 9, 2019. 
    There are 4 component strands / Artistic Processes that make up the Theatre Standards:
                1.0: CREATING
                2.0: PERFORMING
                3.0: RESPONDING
                4.0: CONNECTING
    For more detailed information on standards please use the links provided below:
    California State Standards in Theatre https://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/vapacontentstds.asp
    Textbook: Theatre Arts: The Dynamics of Acting. We will be covering most / all of the following chapters throughout the school year.
    Chapter One: Setting the Stage. Chapter Three: The Stage Environment. Chapter Five: The Body. Chapter Six: The Voice. Chapter Nine: Auditions. Chapter Eight: Imagination. 
                      Theatre Arts: Art in Action. We will be reading / learning approximately 6 areas of Theatre History / Playwrights from around the world to see their impact on the Art. Possible sections inlcude: West Africa / Oral Tradition; Ancient Greece / Birthplace of Theatre; Shakespeare; Moliere; Japanese Theatre / Kabuki; Chekhov / Realism; Beckett / Theatre of the Absurd.
    Major Projects:
    Play Reports: (First Semester) Students must select a play to read and write about, students will have two reports to complete in this year. (Depending on which day your class meets)    Play Report Form
    Due Dates:
                     Report 1 Due: 11/ 7-8     *Depending on which day your class meets
    This assignment will NOT be accepted late! Students have 6+ weeks to complete, it will be submitted through CANVAS. Please NO EXCUSES, just do the assignment!
    Some of our In-Class Activities, Performances and Projects:
                                             (Semester 1)
               Nursery Rhyme possibilities (Students select, memorize & perform demonstrating variation in vocal delivery)
               Everyday Action (Students select, rehearse & perform a pantomimed series of steps needed to complete a simple task)
               Neutral Scene (Students create, rehearse & perform a scene with a partner with given dialogue to add specific actions/motivation)
               Reader's Theatre (Students practice, adapt and perform in Reader's Theatre Style in groups)
               Resume: Make sure to include: Name, Personal Info, Contact Info, Education, Experience, Special Skills / Training.
               Monologue / Audition (Students will select, memorize, analyze & perform a monologue to perform in a mock audition situation)
                                            (Semester 2)
              Improvisation (Students will participate in Improvisational games and activities)
              Scene Work (Students will select, memorize, analyze & perform comedic & dramatic scenes in small groups)
             Character Analysis: (On-going throughout the year) Students answer a series of questions to gain a better understanding of subtext for their character. Character Analysis
              Theatre History Students will read and discuss playwrights and time periods to see what Theater was like through the ages.
                Supplementary notes: Supplementary Notes West African Griot; Supplementary notes Ancient Greece;


Last Modified on July 12, 2024