- Vista Murrieta High School
- Drama I
Finch, Cory
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Drama I
"I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in whicha human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being."Thornton Wilder (1897-1975, Pulitzer Prize winning American playwright and novelist.Back To School Night Video IntroductionSyllabus: Here is the link for course requirements, expectations and grading procedures for this course:STANDARDS: The State Board of Education (SBE) adopted the California Arts Standards for Public Schools, P-K Through Grade Twelve (Arts Standards) on January 9, 2019.There are 4 component strands / Artistic Processes that make up the Theatre Standards:1.0: CREATING2.0: PERFORMING3.0: RESPONDING4.0: CONNECTINGFor more detailed information on standards please use the links provided below:California State Standards in Theatre https://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/vapacontentstds.aspTextbook: Theatre Arts: The Dynamics of Acting. We will be covering most / all of the following chapters throughout the school year.Chapter One: Setting the Stage. Chapter Three: The Stage Environment. Chapter Five: The Body. Chapter Six: The Voice. Chapter Nine: Auditions. Chapter Eight: Imagination.Theatre Arts: Art in Action. We will be reading / learning approximately 6 areas of Theatre History / Playwrights from around the world to see their impact on the Art. Possible sections inlcude: West Africa / Oral Tradition; Ancient Greece / Birthplace of Theatre; Shakespeare; Moliere; Japanese Theatre / Kabuki; Chekhov / Realism; Beckett / Theatre of the Absurd.Major Projects:Play Reports: (First Semester) Students must select a play to read and write about, students will have two reports to complete in this year. (Depending on which day your class meets) Play Report FormDue Dates:Report 1 Due: 11/ 7-8 *Depending on which day your class meetsThis assignment will NOT be accepted late! Students have 6+ weeks to complete, it will be submitted through CANVAS. Please NO EXCUSES, just do the assignment!Some of our In-Class Activities, Performances and Projects:(Semester 1)Nursery Rhyme possibilities (Students select, memorize & perform demonstrating variation in vocal delivery)Everyday Action (Students select, rehearse & perform a pantomimed series of steps needed to complete a simple task)Neutral Scene (Students create, rehearse & perform a scene with a partner with given dialogue to add specific actions/motivation)Reader's Theatre (Students practice, adapt and perform in Reader's Theatre Style in groups)Resume: Make sure to include: Name, Personal Info, Contact Info, Education, Experience, Special Skills / Training.Monologue / Audition (Students will select, memorize, analyze & perform a monologue to perform in a mock audition situation)(Semester 2)Improvisation (Students will participate in Improvisational games and activities)Scene Work (Students will select, memorize, analyze & perform comedic & dramatic scenes in small groups)Character Analysis: (On-going throughout the year) Students answer a series of questions to gain a better understanding of subtext for their character. Character AnalysisTheatre History Students will read and discuss playwrights and time periods to see what Theater was like through the ages.Supplementary notes: Supplementary Notes West African Griot; Supplementary notes Ancient Greece;
Last Modified on July 12, 2024