- Vista Murrieta High School
- Drama II
Finch, Cory
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Drama II: Intermediate
Back To School Night Video IntroductionAside from performing in class; students in this class are expected to perform for public audience. Students will perform a production of "CHECK, PLEASE" in our "Black Box Space" May 1 - 3; 2024. There will be some after-school rehearsal time required as well as the performance dates. This is a great opportunity for students to build their performing skills.Summary of Semester 1 include:Audition (Students will perform during class)Musical Audition (Students will perform during class)Improvisation (Students will learn / practice Improvisational games and activities)Play Analysis (Students will read, find meaning, analyze and discuss elements of a play)Play Critique (Students will attend, review and type a critique of a live theatrical performance)Semester 2 schedule:Stage Combat (Students will learn basic techniques and maneuvers of Stage Combat)Dramatic Scene (Students will select, analyze, memorize, rehearse and perform)Comedic Scene (Same as Dramatic scene)Evening of Scenes / Production (Students will analyze, memorize and rehearse for public performance)Play Critique (Students will attend, review and type a critique of a live theatrical performance)Class Production: Here is your chance to perform on stage and have your talents shine! Students will prepare and perform before a public audience. Dates May 1-3, 2024 in the "Blackbox" (P-152). Students will need to commit to: limited after-school rehearsals, and the performance dates.Drama 2 Syllabus: Class guidelines, policies and grading. Please be aware of the commitment level needed for this class. There is some after-school time required for this class.Character Analysis: A series of questions to help students discover subtext of their characters. Character AnalysisPlay Review Form: Students must attend a live theatre production and TYPE a critique of that performance. How To Write A Play ReviewDUE:November 15-16, 2023(by your scheduled class time). Semester OneDUE: May 2-3, 2024(by your scheduled class time). Semester TwoNO EXCEPTIONS!!!Stage Combat: Always, Always, Always, Safety First! Check for distance and provide visual and vocal cues. Always begin rehearsing in SLOW MOTION (about 50% speed). Terms / Manuevers: Knaps (Clap & Slip Hand), Pushes (light shoulder push & grab / push), backward and forward falls, slaps (forehand & backhand), puches, and grabs. We will partner up and after learning, reviewing and practicing moves, students will write a scene which will include a clear beginning, middle and end. Listing out step by step needed dialogue, and stage business (fight choreography) throughout the scene.
Last Modified on August 23, 2023