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Murrieta Valley Teacher Induction Program
Induction Program Mission “To inspire teachers to make the inquiry process the basis for their ongoing professional development.”
The Murrieta Valley Induction Program (MVIP) is a Commission-approved teacher induction program, which can recommend candidates employed in the Murrieta Valley Unified School District (MVUSD) for a General Education clear credential and/or Clear Educational Specialist credential. All newly employed teachers with preliminary credentials that must be cleared through induction are automatically admitted into the program and required to participate in the MVIP Induction experience.
The purpose of an induction program is to build upon previous academic preparation to transform classroom performance into practical success for the candidate and their students as an educator. The professional journey through the MVUSD's comprehensive induction program will be side by side with a trained mentor teacher who will be assigned within the first thirty days of program enrollment to help guide and support the candidate throughout the program.
The Murrieta Valley Induction Program is designed to be a two-year, individualized, job-embedded program with each year completed as a whole. Enrollment in the program is determined by the human resources department based on credential requirements and teaching experience. District employed teachers who have less than three years teaching experience in California or less than five years out-of-state teaching experience, regardless of credential status, per the Murrieta Educator's Association (MEA) labor agreement article 14.4.1, will also be enrolled into the district's induction program. In some scenarios, even experienced teachers with a new preliminary credential may be required to enroll as per their credential requirements. An Early Completion Option is available in certain cases for qualified candidates who are experienced, exceptional, and meet program eligibility requirements.
First and second year candidates and mentor teachers in the Murrieta Valley Induction Program can apply for university credit during each year of program participation and completion. Fees and number of units available vary per university (Brandman, CSUSM, or USD) per year. Registration typically opens in the spring of each year. Detailed information is provided at program network meetings and in the resources section of the online induction course, as well as in the candidate and mentor handbooks.
The Murrieta Valley Induction Program is an equal opportunity program for all candidates and does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, age, or other constitutionally or legally prohibited considerations. All candidates are admitted, retained, and graduated based on non-discriminatory practices.
Program Requirements
In the Murrieta Valley Induction program, candidates are asked to attend/participate in an orientation, network meetings, fall & spring triad, year one symposium, an end-of-program colloquium, as part of their program requirements. Throughout the program, candidates are guided through a support system designed to combine "just in time" support with analysis and development of long-term teaching practices.
Other program requirements include collaboration with an assigned mentor for at least one hour per week, completion of the Induction Candidate Enrollment/Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) form, completion of two Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) Cycles of Inquiry each year, completion of program surveys, and completion of a collaboration log/checklist per semester.
Inquiry and the Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
In the Murrieta Valley Induction Program, first- and second- year candidates are guided through the development of an Individual Learning Plan with the help of their mentor. The process is grounded in a developmental view of teaching and recognizes that this complex, demanding profession is learned over the course of several years of study, consultation, and reflective practice, and is accomplished through inquiry into teaching practices in collaboration with a mentor. The overarching purpose of the inquiry-based collaboration process is to support first- and second- year teachers in their development during an induction period following initial professional preparation. Candidates learn to focus their professional growth through a dynamic, ongoing, process: planning and teaching lessons, reflecting on the results, and then making informed changes. Teacher development is gauged using both the California Curriculum Frameworks and the California Standards for the Teaching Profession.
Online Course
All meeting information and program resources for induction candidates can be found in the online induction course. Upon program enrollment, candidates are added to the applicable online course in the district's learning management system.
The course includes information that explains the purpose and requirements of the program, links to ILP documents, network meeting dates, program resources, district resources, and program contact information.
Program Completion
Successful program completion includes the completion of all of the above-noted requirements and leads to the recommendation of a clear teaching credential. In the event that a candidate withdraws and/or is admitted to another program, an induction transportability document will be provided along with information on how to access, save, and/or request hard copies of all candidate program documents.
To view program completion requirements in a table format, please click the link below for a breakdown of requirements per year of the program including eligibility, program advisement, and district required training.
Murrieta Valley Induction Program Sequence
For questions about the Murrieta Valley Induction Program, please contact program director Sean McCarthy by email at smccarthy@murrieta.k12.ca.us, or call 951-696-1600, ext 1280.