Welcome Prospective Classified Staff Member!

  • Thank you for your interest in working for the Murrieta Valley Unified School District. In our effort to secure the best employees for the District, the Classified Human Resources staff is here to help you in your employment efforts. Murrieta Valley USD offers competitive salaries and excellent employee benefits package.

    Classified positions are support staff positions that generally do not require a California Teacher Credential. Classified positions include clerical workers, custodial and grounds, maintenance, student support (security, aides), child care workers, nutrition services workers, bus drivers, and administrative and supervisory positions for classified employees.

    Visit EDJOIN for current open job postings.  
    If you have specific questions about creating a profile, uploading documents or the online application process, please contact the EDJOIN HELP DESK at 888-900-8945 for assistance.
    Classified Application Process
    Every applicant, including current MVUSD employees, must create a profile to apply for a position. Each applicant must have an individual email account, which must be set up before beginning a profile. Application communication, interview schedules and other notifications are made by email only using the email provided in EDJOIN.
    • A computer and scanner are available at the district office for prospective employees to access and submit applications through Edjoin.
    • Testing is by invitation only. You will be notified by email once the job post has closed.  
    • Once applications are submitted, qualified applicants must take and pass a job specific test at one of our district test sites. Testing sites will vary based upon the test date and job test.

      ·       Transfer postings are limited to Murrieta Valley USD employees already hired within that same job title and transfer candidates are not required to take a job specific test.

      ·       In-House postings are limited to Murrieta Valley USD permanent employees only and each candidate must take and pass a job specific test to qualify for an interview.

      ·       Open/Promotional postings are open to all applicants and each candidate must take and pass a job specific test to qualify for an interview, unless the applicant currently serves in this job in the district.

    • Prior to application, please carefully review the job posting, job description and the minimum requirements of the position in which you are interested. If an application reveals the candidate does not meet the minimum qualifications for the job, the candidate will not be invited to test.

    Murrieta Valley Unified School District is:

    •  A drug-free and tobacco-free workplace
    •  An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer

Thank you for your interest in joining Team MVUSD!

Last Modified on September 14, 2022