Mentor Matters for October 2020

Posted by Sean McCarthy on 10/16/2020

Happy Friday! 

Here is your Mentor Matters e-news to keep you better informed about MVUSD Induction program news and events. 


Meet the New ILP 

We have updated and streamlined our Individual Learning Plan (ILP) in response to feedback from mentors and candidates in order to make the induction experience both more relevant and easier to navigate. We made these changes based on feedback we were receiving on our mid- and end-of-year surveys. 


The ILP serves as a “roadmap” for candidates as they develop professional goals and develop inquiries that help them with long-term analysis of their teaching practice. It is grounded in the California Standards for the Teaching Profession, and is designed to help candidates develop growth toward mastery of the standards while fostering reflective practice and an understanding of how to use inquiry for lifelong learning.  


The ILP is comprised of four stages, including goal setting, two mini-inquiries, an action research project, and a final reflection. Candidates have the opportunity to observe peers during their work on their ILP, and they are also observed by their mentors, both via video and onsite, on multiple occasions as they implement new strategies throughout the inquiry processCandidates complete an ILP during each year of their induction participation.  


Click HERE to see our new ILP document.  


Accreditation Update 

The Murrieta Valley Induction Program (MVIP) takes part in the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing's 7-year accreditation cycle. We are currently in year five of the cycle, which means our site visit will take place next fall. In preparation for this visit, we recently submitted our programs Preconditions document, which was approved by the Committee on Accreditation (COA) in August. This week, we submitted an in-depth Program Review, which will be reviewed by the COA in the coming weeks. Our leadership team will be updating and submitting our Common Standards document in February as a final step in preparation for the visit. We will continue to update you as all of our stakeholders will be involved (e.g. participating in interviews and other evidence gathering activities) as part of the COA’s accreditation process. 


Save the Date—Colloquium Scheduled for May 19, 2021 

We will host this year’s Year 2 Candidate Colloquium on Wednesday, May 19, 2021. All mentors, candidates, and site administrators with year 2 candidates are asked to attend this event where we recognize and celebrate efforts of our induction program graduates. Colloquium always proves to be an inspirational experience as candidates share the creative ways they advanced teaching and learning in their classrooms with support of their mentors. It is too early to say whether we will host our traditional onsite event or go virtual again as we did last year—either way, we look forward to seeing you there! 


Workshop Opportunities 

We have the following trainings coming up over the next few weeks: 

Understanding Culturally Responsive Pedagogy 10/29/203-5pm 

Exploring Universal Design for Learning 11/5/203-5pm  


We also have several online trainings and training resources that can be accessed at any time. To register for these or any training opportunities, teachers can access the Canvas MVUSD Professional Development Course HERE. 


Support Stats 

As you may have heard, our program is bigger than expected this year! Here are the numbers: 

Assigned Mentors: 44 

Year 1 Induction Candidates: 17 

Year 2 Induction Candidates: 30 

Intern Candidates (Including STSP & PIP): 10 

TPSL (Long-Term Subs): 3 

Thank you for your support—enjoy the weekend!