• VMHS School Code 05300

    PSAT Practice Test


    Download this useful Comparison Sheet:


    While the courses students take and the grades students receive are generally the most important criteria for college admission, the test results of the ACT®(administered by ACT, Inc.) or the SAT (administered by College Board) are also considered. Refer to the admission guidelines for each college or university for details.






    Test Accommodations information:

    • Students with an approved IEP, 504, or EL Accommodations Plan will receive the testing accommodations stated on their plan.
    • Students testing with extended time will test over two days. 

    The SAT's are coming up... Are you ready??  

    Khan Academy: 


    SAT and ACT 2022/2023 California State University (CSU) The California State University understands the challenges that students are facing due to COVID19. In response, the CSU has temporarily suspended the SAT or ACT test requirements only for students applying for admission in fall 2023 as freshman. This means that SAT and ACT scores will not be used for determining who gets admitted into the CSU.

    If you are accepted to a CSU campus ACT or SAT test scores will be used as one of the measures to place you in the proper mathematics and English courses. You can visit the CSU Student Success site for further information on course placement.

    University of California (UC) UC will not consider SAT or ACT test scores when making admissions decisions or awarding scholarships. If you choose to submit test scores as part of your application, they may be used as an alternative method of fulfilling minimum requirements for eligibility or for course placement after you enroll.

    For students applying to other colleges or universities that are not part of the UC/CSU system, we recommend checking their admission requirements on SAT and ACT testing.

    Register for the SAT www.collegeboard.org

    Register for the ACT www.act.org


    Need more practice for the SAT or ACT? Click the links below :)



Last Modified on November 4, 2024