• General Downloads:
    (Golden-colored words are downloadable. Click on them to download.)
    Grading System/Class Expectations
    Lab Information
    Unit 1: Scientific Math/Atomic Theory
    **Time Frame: Intro Day, 6 Lectures, 2 lab days, & 1/2 Test Day=> 11.5 days
    **Note: Visit apchemsolutions.com for tutorials corresponding to the Lecture Worksheets
    General Downloads:
    Class Date
    Lecture/Lab/Exam Topic(s)
    HW Assignment(s)
    Due Date
    Intro to course (AP Exam, time commitment, class routines, materials, homework assignments)
    **SKIP Exercise #84!!!
    (Summer Assign DUE 8/16)
    (Solubility Rules Test on 9/3)
    Ion Test
    Review Lecture: Measurements, Dimensional Analysis, % Composition
    Begin Atomic Theory Lecture 1: History of Atomic Theory, Isotopes, Atomic Mass, Empirical and Molecular Formulas
    Continue Ch. 1&2 Focus Q's if not already done
    (You may begin the first half of Ch. 7 Focus Questions)
    Finish Lecture 1
    Lecture 1 Worksheet
    First half of Ch. Ch. 7 Focus Questions
    8/18/10(A) Begin Atomic Theory Lecture 2: Waves, Light, Electronic Structure, Quantum Numbers
    Lecture 2 Worksheet
    Second half of Ch. 7 Focus Q's
    Finish Lecture 2
    Begin Atomic Theory Lecture 3: The Orbital, Electron Configuration, Atomic and Ionic Radii, Ionization Energy, Electron Affinity, Electronegativity
    Lecture 2 Worksheet
    Begin Lecture 3 Worksheet
    Continue Lecture 3
    Begin Atomic Theory Lecture 4: Stoichiometry (Molecular Weight, Mass %, The Mole, Limiting Reactant, % Yield, Empirical and Molecular Formulas
    Finish Lecture 3 Worksheet
    Atomic Theory Lecture 4: Naming Ionic Compounds, Naming Covalent Compounds, Naming Acids, Naming Hydrates
    Begin Atomic Theory Lecture 5: Stoichiometry (Molecular Weight, Mass %, The Mole, Limiting Reactant, % Yield, Empirical and Molecular Formulas)
    Discuss lab notebooks, pre-labs, etc.
    Discuss Experiment 1 (lab is next class)
    Lecture 4 Worksheet
    Pre-Lab: Questions (not in lab notebook)
    Pre-Lab: Sketches of experimental procedure (in lab notebook, may choose to download pics from the internet for extra credit points--you get bonus points for making your sketches look nice) 
    **AP Contracts are due by 9/8! If you already turned in a contract, they gave it to me. Otherwise, pick one up from me and turn it in by 9/8.
    8/30/10(A) Lab: Experiment 1--Determination of Chemical Formula of Magnesium Oxide
    Informal Lab Report (see rubric)
    Pre-Lab: Questions (not in lab notebook)
    Pre-Lab: Sketches of experimental procedure (in lab notebook)
    **For the above pre-lab assignments, you must click on the Experiment 2 document. You will find this below--see 9/1/10.
    (Gave extension for lab report: DUE Fri now)
    9/1/10(A) Lab: Experiment 2--Determination of the Formula of a Hydrate
    Formal Lab Report (see rubric)
    Begin Lecture 5 Worksheet
    next lab day (TBD)
    Focus Q's due Fri
    Go over Solubility Rules Mneumonic
    Begin Atomic Theory Lecture 5: Stoichiometry (Molecular Weight, Mass %, The Mole, Limiting Reactant, % Yield, Empirical and Molecular Formulas)
    **Note: Solubility Rules Test will be in a couple of weeks instead.
    Continue Lecture 5 Worksheet
    NChO Questions--I could only find NChO Q's for Stoich problems (Optional)
    Practice Tests from Chemmybear.com--AP Chem link--Handouts by Chapter link (Optional)
    Practice Tests from 0910 AP Chem Link--from Units 1 and 5 (Optional)
    **Note: Unit 1 Mini Test will be given on Friday.
    9/8/10(A-LS) Finish Lecture 5
    Finish Lecture 5 Worksheet (need the password to open these doc's)
    **Note: This ends Unit 1. All Unit 1 HW will be collected on Fri. Please include cover page and place Focus Q's (in order--Ch. 1-3,7) first, then Lecture wkshts (in order--Lect. 1-5)
    Unit 1 Exam
    Begin Chemical Bonding Lecture 1: Octet Rule, Ionic Bonding, Lattice Energy, Covalent Bonding, Lewis Diagrams
    See Unit 2 Calendar below


    Unit 2: Chemical Bonding
    **Time Frame: 4 Lectures, 1 Lab Day, 1 Exam Day => 7.5 days
    **Note: Exam will cover Units 1 & 2
    General Downloads:
    Class Date
    Lecture/Lab/Exam Topic(s)
    HW Assignment(s)
    Due Date
    Unit 1 Exam
    Begin Chemical Bonding Lecture I (AKA Lecture 6)
    Ch. 8 Focus Questions (Sect. 4-6 only)--link for this is in the above calendar--see 9/8/10
    Finish Lecture 6
    Begin Lecture II (AKA Lecture 7): Exceptions to the Octet Rule, Formal Charge, Bond Energy & Bond Length, Resonance Structures
    Discuss the Rxn Tutorial and the OAD
    Finish Lecture 6 Worksheet
    Solubility Rules Test
    Continue Lecture 7
    Ch. 8 Focus Questions (Sect. 7-11 only)
    Finish Lecture 7 Worksheet
    Rxn Tutorial: Double Replacement #1-10 (see answers)
    OAD: 2004 (see answers)
    **Download "Stuff I Should Know" handouts from top of web page under "General Downloads"
    Discuss Experiment 2 Lab Report (greatly modified) & Introduce lab for next class
    Discuss Unit 1 Exam Results
    Continue Lecture 7
    Ch. 8 Focus Questions (Sect. 12-13 only)
    Chemical Bonding Lecture III (AKA Lecture 8): Molecular Shape, VSEPR Theory
    (click for VSEPR handout)
    Ch. 9 Focus Questions(only Sect. 1 questions: 4,7-9,11-12,14,21,23,28)
    Rxn Tutorial: Double Replacement #11-20 (see answers)
    OAD: 2003 (see answers)
    Chemical Bonding Lecture IV (AKA Lecture 9): Valence Bond Theory, Hybrid Orbital Theory, Multiple Bonds, Polar & Nonpolar Molecules 
    Lab Proposal in picture form for Lab: What's In the Bottles?
    Optional: P. Tests from Chemmybear.com or from last year's ap chem link on my web site (from Unit 6)
    **All Unit 2 HW will be collected next LECTURE class--9/30 (Be sure to include cover page and place assignments in order)
    **Click on AP Exam Testing Tips to help you prepare for my exams and the ap exam in May.
    Lab proposal is due next class
    Everything else--9/30
    Lab: What's In the Bottles? (Based on Solubility Rules)
    Formal Lab Report (see rubric)
    next lab day--TBD
    Exam 1 on Units 1&2: Atomic Theory & Chemical Bonding
    Tutorial: Double Replacement #21-30 (see answers)
    OAD 2002 (see answers)


    Unit 3: Solutions and Reactions
    **Time Frame: 3 Lectures, 2 sub days, 2 Labs, 1 (mini) Exam Day => 9.5 Days
    General Downloads:
    Class Date
    Lecture/Lab/Exam Topic(s)
    HW Assignment(s)
    Due Date
    Rxns Lecture I (AKA Lecture 10): Electrolytic Solns,Solubility,PPT Rxns,REDOX Rxns,Oxidation #'s
    Tutorial: Double Replacement #31-41 (see answers)
    OAD 2001 (see answers)
    Substitute Will Be Here--Work on Pre-Lab Assignment in class
    Pre-Lab: Sketches for Experiment 4 AND Pre-Lab Q's
    Lab: Experiment 4: Precipitation of CaCO3-Mass & Mol Relationship in a Chem Rxn
    Informal Lab Report (see rubric)
    Pre-Lab: Sketches for Experiment 5 AND Pre-Lab Q's
    Discuss Tutorial: Single Replacement Rxns
    Begin Rxns Lecture II (AKA Lecture 11): REDOX Rxns in Acidic and Basic Solns
    4.9-4.10 Focus Questions
    Tutorial: Single Replacement #1-15 (see answers)
    OAD 2000 (see answers)
    Finish Lecture 11
    Finish Lecture 11 Worksheet
    Tutorial: Single Replacement #16-29 (see answers)
    OAD 1999 (see answers)
    Sub was here--watched Einstein's Big Idea and worked on homework in class
    Begin Rxns Lecture III (AKA Lecture 12): Activity Series, halogen and hydrogen displacement rxns, disproportionation rxns, synthesis rxns, decomposition rxns, combustion rxns
    Tutorial: Redox #1-10 (see answers)
    OAD 1998 (see answers)
    Lab: Experiment 5--Titration Lab--standardizing KMnO4 soln & determining [H2O2]
    Exp 5 Lab Report (see rubric)
    Finish Lecture 12
    Finish Lecture 12 Worksheet
    Finish Focus Questions
    Review for Test
    Unit 3 Exam
    6.1-6.3 Focus Questions
    Tutorial: Redox #11-20
    OAD 1997
    Unit 4: Thermodynamics
    **Time Frame: 2 lectures, 1 lab day, 1 exam day => 5 Days
    Note regarding Focus Questions:
    For Ch. 6: save Chapter Problems #25 and #28 for the Gas Unit 
    For Ch. 16: save Chapter Problems #51, 54, and 55 for Unit 5
    General Downloads:
    Class Date
    Lecture/Lab Topic(s)
    Due Date
    Begin Thermodynamics Lecture I (AKA Lecture 13): Enthalpy, Calorimetry, Hess's Law, Enthalpy of Formation, Bond Energy
    Tutorial: Redox #11-20 (see answers)
    OAD 1997 (see answers)
    Finish Lecture 13
    Discuss Lab for next class
    16.1-16.3 Focus Questions
    Finish Lecture 13 Wksht
    12-3 Practice Problems (Hess's Law)
    Tutorial: Redox #21-30 (see answers)
    OAD 1996 (see answers)
    Pre-lab Questions
    Pre-Lab Sketches
    Experiment 4 Lab Report
    Experiment 5 Lab Report (see rubric part 2)
    Lecture HW DUE 11/15
    Lab HW DUE 11/5
    Lab: Experiment 6--Determination of Enthalpy Change During the Process of Dissolving Different Ionic Compounds
    Formal Lab Report (see rubric)
    Note: I just realized that I didn't put a rubric up for the formal lab report. Therefore, just answer the questions from your lab handout in your lab notebook and turn in a photocopy. There will be no formal report for Exp 6. Sorry.
    2nd Note: You need to know the enthalpy of formation for the chloride ion as it is not given to you. It is
    -167.2 kJ/mol.
    Begin Thermodynamics Lecture II (AKA Lecture 14): Entropy, Free Energy
    16.4-16.7 Focus Questions
    Tutorial: Redox #31-40 (see answers)
    OAD 1996 (see answers)
    Review for Test (NChO Questions are optional assignments you may use to review)
    Finish Thermo Lecture II
    Finish Lecture 14 Worksheet
    Continue reviewing for test
    Begin Lecture 15 (Unit 5: Equilibrium). See Unit 5 Calendar below for details.
    see unit 5 calendar below
    Unit 4 Exam
    13.1-13.2 Focus Questions
    Tutorial: Decomposition #1-6 (see answers)
    OAD 1995 (see answers)
    (Begin Studying from your prep book over break!!)



    Unit 5: Equilibrium
    **Time Frame: 3 lectures, 2 lab days, 1 exam day => 6 days
    General Downloads:
    Class Date Lecture/Lab Topic(s) Assignment(s) Due Date
    11/17(A-LS) Begin Equilibrium Lecture I (AKA Lecture 15): Equilibrium Constants, Calculating Equilibrium Concentrations
    13.1-13.2 Focus Qs
    Tutorial: Addition/Combination #1-14 (see answers) I'll get the answers soon. Apparently I still need to make the ans key for these. :)
    OAD 1994 (see answers)
    Pre-Lab Sketches for Exp 7
    Pre-Lab Questions for Exp 7
    Finish Lecture 15
    Experiment 7: Spectrophotometric Analysis of the Cobalt(II) Ion
    Informal Lab Report
    (Just finish answering the questions from the lab handout. Photocopy your notebook.)
    12/2 Equ Lecture II (AKA Lecture 16): Manipulating Keq, Reaction Quotient, LeChatlier's Principle
    13.3-13.5 Focus Qs
    Tutorial: Combustion #1-10 (see answers)
    OAD 1993 (see answers)
    Pre-Lab Sketches for Exp 8
    Pre-lab Questions for Exp 8
    NOTE: Postponed to 2nd semester Experiment 8: Determination of an Equilibrium Constant
    Informal Lab Report
    (Exp 7 pre-lab and lab report & Exp 8 pre-lab will be due the first A day we return from break)
    12/6 Equ Lecture III (AKA Lecture 17): Gibbs Free Energy and Equilibrium
    13.6-13.7 Focus Qs
    Prepare for upcoming Final Exam (a released AP exam)
    12/8 Study Hall (QUIET TIME!!!)
    Continue working on:
    Unit 5 assignments
    Studying Unit 5 (assigning yourself extra probs, practice test, etc.)
    Exp 7 and 8 lab assignments
    Studying for Final
    12/10 Final Exam (FRQ section)
    12/14 Catch Up Day
    12/16(Per. 3)
    12/17(Per. 7)
    Final Exam (M/C section)
    Turn in Unit 5 HW (there will not be a Unit 5 Test. I'll add Unit 5 material to the Unit 6 test 2nd semester.)
    O-Chem Unit (see O-chem agenda below)
    All assignments are due the first day we return from break (C day). You will also have the O-chem exam that day.
    *Begin studying for the ap test using your prep book, etc.
    Winter Unit: Organic Chemistry
    **Time Frame: 1 lecture, 1 lab, 1 review day/exam day => (3-4 independent days at home) & 1 class day
    General Downloads:
    Ch. 22 Focus Q's (these are OPTIONAL for this unit)
    O-Chem Unit Downloads (this compressed/zip file contains all documents needed for this unit)
    Class Date
    Lecture/Lab Topic(s)
    Due Date
    Organic Chemistry Lecture I (AKA Lecture 37--see zip folder)
    Read over Lecture 37 (you are given the power point slide with teacher's notes to give you more detail since you're on your own)
    Complete Lecture 37 Worksheet (see zip folder)
    Experiment 22 (see zip folder): Synthesis, Purification, and Analysis of an Ester
    (You actually did a simplified version of this lab in General Chemistry. It was the ester lab called "Create a Smell". Do you remember?)
    Draw the Pre-Lab Sketches
    Answer the Pre-Lab Sketches
    Based on the "fake" data given to you, pretend you did the lab and answer all questions in the lab handout (in your lab notebook. Turn in photocopies.)
    Begin reviewing 1st semester material for the upcoming AP exam in May
    Use your prep book and other study materials. Get yourself organized!!
    Review O-Chem naming briefly and functional groups and discuss isomers
    5.1-5.4 Focus Q's
    (see Unit 6 zip file below)
    Finish O-Chem Review
    O-Chem Exam
    Please have Exp 8 Pre-lab assignments done before Friday (even though I won't be collecting it on Fri) TBD


    Unit 6: Gases
    **Time Frame: 3 Lectures, 1 Lab, 1 Exam day => 5 days
    General Downloads:
    Unit 6 Downloads(compressed/zip folder)
    NChO Questions (this is OPTIONAL)
    Practice Test (this is OPTIONAL)
    Class Date
    Lecture/Lab Topic(s)
    Due Date
    Fake Exp 8 (work on lab report given the data. Use the template provided in the zip folder.)
    Begin Gases Lecture I (AKA Lecture 18): Pressure, Gas Laws, Ideal Gas Lab
    5.5-5.7 Focus Q's
    Begin Lect 18 WS
    Tutorial: Addition/Combination #1-14 (see answers)
    OAD 1992 (see answers)
    Finish Lecture I
    Begin Gases Lecture II (AKA Lecture 19): Partial Pressures, Mole Fractions, Average KE of a gas, Average speed of a gas
    5.8-5.9 Focus Q's
    Finish Lect 18 WS
    Begin Lect 19 WS
    Finish Lecture II
    Gases Lecture III (AKA Lecture 20): Effusion, Diffusion, Real vs Ideal Gases
    (Show class what the experimental setup looks like for Experiment 10)
    Lect 20 WS
    (Note: We will be skipping Exp 9)
    Experiment 10 Pre-Lab Sketches
    Experiment 10 Pre-Lab Questions
    Experiment 10
    Experiment 10 Lab Write-Up (answer all Q's in lab notebook and submit photocopies)
    Unit 6 (with a little bit of Unit 5) Exam
    Turn in All Unit 6 HW
    17.1-17.2 Focus Q's
    OAD 1991


    Unit 7: Electrochemistry
    **Time Frame: 2 Lectures, 1 Lab => 4 days
    General Downloads:
    Unit 7 Downloads (compressed/zip folder)
    NChO Questions--Optional
    Practice Test--Optional
    Class Date
    Lecture/Lab Topic(s)
    Due Date
    Discuss Anhydride Tutorial
    Lecture I Electrochem (AKA Lecture 21): Galvanic Cells, Voltage, Standard Reduction Potentials, Standard Cell Potentials
    17.3-17.4 Focus Q's
    Lect 21 WS
    Tutorial: Anhydrides #1-12 (see answers)
    OAD 1990 (see answers)
    Begin Lecture II Electrochem (AKA Lecture 22): Spontaneous Redox Rxns, Gibbs Free Energy, Nernst Eqn, Concentration Cells, Electrolytic Cells
    Begin Lect 22 WS
    Tutorial: Anhydrides #13-24 (see answers)
    OAD 1989 (see answers)
    Finish Lecture II (electrolysis)
    Finish Lect 22 WS
    Tutorial: Redox section again (electrolysis rxns only)
    OAD 1988 (see answers)
    Pre-Lab Sketches DUE next class
    Pre-Lab Questions DUE next class
    Lab: Experiment 11: Determination of an Electrochemical Series
    Note: See the Materials List. We only have these five metals: copper, magnesium, zinc, aluminum, and iron. Therefore, when completing your pre-lab sketches you only need to build galvanic cells with these metals.
    Exp 11 Lab Report (informal)
    day of Unit7-8 Exam
    Unit 7 Exam will be combined with Unit 8 Exam
    **Unit 7 HW is due NEXT CLASS (2/8)-->it will be returned to you after it is graded before the Unit 7-8 Exam


    Unit 8: Intermolecular Forces
    **Time Frame: 2.5 Lectures, 1 Test Day => 3 days
    **If you have not yet begun to review for the ap exam, I have suggested a schedule in the units to follow as homework assignments. This will allow you an okay pace so that you don't overwhelm yourself and cram right before the exam. Use your prep book to review, along with your notes, assignments, and lab reports, practice tests and online tutorials, etc. I am suggesting that you review one unit a day. Some units may need more review than others; you be the judge. This is just a suggested pace.
    General Downloads:
    Unit 8 Downloads (compressed zip folder)
    Note: These assignments are in the zip folder but are optional: Focus Questions and Practice Test
    Note: Exp 13 is in the zip folder but we will be skipping that lab
    Note: Click here for Lecture 24 power point slides (larger slides)
    Class Date
    Lecture/Lab Topic(s)
    Due Date
    2/9 (A-LS)
    Lecture I Intermolecular Forces (AKA Lecture 23): Types of IMFs, Determining Relative Boiling Points
    Begin Lecture II (AKA Lecture 24): Heats of Fusion and Vaporization, Vapor Pressure, Phase Diagrams
    Lect 23 WS
    Begin Lect 24 WS
    OAD 1987 (see answers)
    Review Unit 1 material in preparation for the AP exam
    Finish Lecture II
    Lecture III (AKA Lecture 25)
    Finish Lect 24 WS
    Lect 25 WS
    OAD 1986 (see answers)
    Review Unit 2 Material in preparation for the AP exam
    Unit 7-8 Exam (Electrochem and IMFs)
    *Note: Experiment 11 Lab Reports due today
    OAD 1985 (see answers)
    Review Unit 3 Material in preparation for the AP exam


    Unit 9: Solutions
    **Time Frame: 3 Lectures => 3 days
    *Discuss Complex Ion Formation
    *Review Units 4-5 in preparation for the ap exam
    General Downloads:
    Unit 9 Downloads (compressed zip folder)
    NChO Questions--Optional
    Practice Test--Optional
    Note: Exp 14 is in the zip folder but we will be skipping that lab
    Class Date Lecture/Lab Topic(s) Assignment(s) Due Date
    Lecture I Solutions (AKA Lecture 26): Types of Solutions, Expressing Concentrations, Solubility and Structure, Solubility of Solids and Temperature
    Focus 11.4
    Lect 26 WS
    OAD 1984 (this is missing from the handout so you can't do it.)
    *Review Unit 4
    Discuss Complex Ion Formation Rxns
    Lecture II Solutions (AKA Lecture 27): Solubility Product Constant (Ksp), Predicting PPTs, Solubilities of Gases (Temp and Pressure)
    * I will nearly finish this lecture
    Focus 11.5
    Lect 27 WS
    Tutorial: Complex Ion #1-12 (see answers)
    OAD 1983 (this is missing from the handout so you can't do it.)
    *Review Unit 5
    Finish the last part of Lecture II
    Lecture III Solutions (AKA Lecture 28): Colligative Properties
    All Unit 9 HW is DUE next class (3/1).
    Unit 9 Test will be combined with Unit 10
    Finish Lect 27 WS
    Lect 28 WS
    Tutorial: Complex Ion #13-24 (see answers)
    OAD 1982 (see answers)
    Unit 10: Acids-Bases
    **Time Frame: 5 Lectures, 2 Labs, 1 Test Day=> 8 days
    *Review Units 6-8 in preparation for the ap exam
    General Downloads:
    Unit 10 Downloads (compressed/zip folder)
    Practice Test--Optional
    Class Date Lecture/Lab Topic(s) Assignment(s) Due Date
    Complex Ion Test (you will have the opportunity to re-take it ONCE)
    Acid-Base Lecture I (AKA Lecture 29): Defining Acids and Bases, Conjugate pairs, Acid and Base strength, autoionization of water
    Focus 14.1-14.2
    Lecture 29 WS
    OAD 1981 (see answers)
    *Review Unit 6
    Work on "Proton Shuffle Supplemental Problems" (Turn in at end of class)
    Work on any other homework assignment(s)
    *I will be gone next class, too. You will be teaching yourself Lecture 30 from your power point slides. Bring them next class along with Lecture 30 WS
    *I will answer questions from Lecture 30 before I begin Lecture 31 so have your questions ready for Wed.
    Print Lecture 30 power point slides and Lecture 30 WS for next class!!
    Acid-Base Lecture II (AKA Lecture 30): Ka and Kb, pH, Polyprotic Acids
    *You will be teaching yourself this lecture. I have left a copy of the teacher's lecture notes to help you.
    *Make a list of questions you have
    Focus 14.3-14.4
    Lecture 30 WS
    OAD 1980 (see answers)
    *Review Unit 6
    Discuss Oxoacids from Lecture 29
    Highlight important parts from Lecture 30
    Begin Acid-Base Lecture III (AKA Lecture 31): Acid/Base Rxns (Question #4 on ap exam), pH and Soluble Salts
    Focus 14.5-14.6
    Lecture 31 WS
    Tutorial: Acids-Bases #1-10 (see answers)
    OAD 1979 (see answers)
    *Review Unit 7
    Finish Lecture 31
    Begin Acid-Base Lecture IV (AKA Lecture 32): The Common Ion Effect, Buffered Solutions, Solubility and pH, Complex Ion Formation
    Discuss Lab Procedures for Experiment 16
    Focus 14.7-14.8
    Lecture 32 WS
    Tutorial: Acid-Base #11-19 (see answers)
    OAD 1978 (see answers)
    *Review Unit 7
    **Pre-Lab Sketches and Questions due thur (3/17)
    Watch 2 videos from the gpb.org web site:
    Chemistry 1102: Indicators and the pH scale (http://www.gpb.org/chemistry-physics/chemistry/1102)
    Chemistry 1103: Neutralization Rxns (http://www.gpb.org/chemistry-physics/chemistry/1103)
    --Take notes on the Note-Taking Guides
    Focus 14.10-14.11
    OAD 1977 (see answers)
    *Review Unit 8
    Experiment 16: Preparation and Properties of Buffered Solutions
    Lab Report (Informal)
    Finish Lecture 32
    Acid-Base Lecture V (AKA Lecture 33): Acid-Base Titrations
    *Discuss online titration lab
    Lecture 33 WS
    Play around on the titration lab link so you'll be familiar with the 3 titrations you will be simulating. We have a late start next class so we are limited on time. You will also do the "Additional Activities". If you don't finish all 3 simulations, you will need to finish these at home.
    *Exp 16 Lab Report is due next class
    Finish Lecture 33
    Note: The titration lab was supposed to be today but will be on friday instead since I didn't get to finish lecture 33 beforehand.
    Finish Lecture 33 WS
    Titration Curve assignment (use excel to plot your graph)
    *See calendar for 3/21 regarding notes for this lab
    3/25(A-LS) Online Titration Lab
    Lab Report (Informal): "Print Screen" for each simulation and additional activity and copy these images onto a word document. Turn this in along with your work shown for your calculations. If your work is not organized and easy to follow, it will not be graded and you will not get credit for your calculations. This is a team assignment so each team will submit one report.
    next class
    Units 9-10 Exam: Sol'ns and Acids-Bases
    OAD 1976 (see answers)
    Unit 11: Kinetics
    **Time Frame: 2 Lectures, 1 Test Day=> 3 days
    *Review Units 9-10 in preparation for the ap exam
    *There will be NO Focus Q's. You have Study Q's instead.
    General Downloads:
    Unit 11 Downloads (compressed zip folder)
    Practice Test--Optional
    NChO Questions--Optional
    Class Date Lecture Topic(s) Assignment(s) Due Date
    3/31(A) Lecture I Kinetics (AKA Lecture 34): Reaction Rates, The Order of Reactions, Rate Laws, Integrated Rate Laws, Half Life of Reactions
    Lect 34 WS
    Begin Study Q's
    OAD 1975 (see answers)
    Lecture II Kinetics (AKA Lecture 35): Factors Affecting Rxn Rates, Activation Energy, Rxn Mechanisms, Catalysts
    Lect 35 WS
    Finish Study Q's
    OAD 1974 (see answers)
    4/7(A) Unit 11 Exam: Kinetics
    Watch these online videos to learn nuclear chemistry:
    Diagnostic Test (DUE the day we get back from spring break)
    Self administer a released AP exam (see below)

    Read the "AP Chemistry Review Materials" section below.

    AP Chemistry Review Materials
    Mandatory Homework
    (1)Nuclear Chem Video 1: Click on link in calendar above (turn in note-taking guide)
    (2)Nuclear Chem Video 2: Click on link in calendar above (turn in note-taking guide)
    (3)Diagnostic Test (Grade it yourself and turn in your graded answer sheet)
    **Use the detailed answer key to the diagnostic test to review before self-administering the released ap test.

    (4)Self Administer the following AP exam (obey the time and other rules for each section and possibly take this in a library--the more you stick to actual testing conditions the more prepared you'll be for the actual exam):
    ---2002 Released Exam-Multiple Choice Section (Grade it yourself and turn in your graded answer sheet)--Print two pages per sheet, because it's pretty long.
    Answer Key to 2002 Released Exam
    ---Link to the 2009 FRQ Section: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/ap09_frq_chemistry.pdf    
    Link to the Scoring Guidelines: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/ap09_chemistry_sgs.pdf
    (Grade it yourself and turn in your graded FRQ section)

    Use this ROUGH general rule to assign yourself a grade of 3, 4, or 5:
    --M/C score of 25-34=3; 35-49=4; 50 or more=5
    --FRQ score: 1/3 of the points=3; 1/2 of the points or more=4 or 5 (you be the judge)
    --Each section is weighted 50% so average your two scores together and then round to a whole number to get your overall score.
    **This is a pretty fair prediction (if you're honest with yourself and if you take it after you've reviewed and feel like you'd be ready for the ap exam) of your actual performance on the real ap exam you'll take.
    **Please email me, if possible (not mandatory), your answer sheet to the M/C section over break. That will allow me to know what I need to cover with you the day we return from break. Since we only have two days, it would be most productive if I can be prepared for this ahead of time. Therefore, do not email me a couple days before or the day before break ends. I need time to prepare the review session. The more people I get emails from, the better prepared I can be for the review and the more productive the review session will be.

    Optional Material (but HIGHLY SUGGESTED):
    Preparing for the M/C section
    Common Topics that show up on the M/C section
    Section One (see answer key)
    Section Two (there is no answer key for this)
    Preparing for the FRQ section (common topics)
    List of topics for each question in the FRQ section from 2002-2007 (don't print this; it's several pages)
    **Although completing Sections One and Two are not mandatory, could you please let me know if you did them? I want to do some data analysis comparing ap scores for students who completed these Sections to the students who did not. I'm hoping there is a correlation. In other words, I'm hoping these Sections are helpful  :)

    ***We'll have two class periods after break to go over your diagnostic test results and the self-administered ap test results (and anything else you'd like me to cover).

    Suggested Agenda to pace yourself:
    Day 1: Take Diagnostic Test and grade yourself
    Days 2-5 (or more, depending on how many questions you missed on the diagnostic test): Use the detailed answer key to review topics--use your prep books, old tests, notes, etc. to help you review.
    Day 6: Read over Optional Materials
    Day 7: Complete (optional assignments) Section One and Section Two
    Day 8: Review more based on the Optional Materials you read over
    Day 9: Self-administer the ap exam
    Day 10: Grade your ap exam and EMAIL MRS. LINDEN YOUR GRADED ANSWER SHEET (email me the M/C answer sheet only).

    AP Chemistry Exam is on May 2!!!

    Solutions to the 2011 FRQs (this is password protected)
    *Note: For 3c, the answer should have units of "kJ"--NOT "kJ/mol"

    After the AP Exam

    Class Date
    Watch "Einstein's Big Idea"
    *Take video notes: at least 25 facts (from beginning to end of video)
    Finish watching Einstein's Big Idea
    Spring Break assignments due today
    Discuss Shark Project--Sign the interest list if you are interested in participating next year
    Write Letter to Future AP Chem Students
    *Email me an electronic version (subject needs to be "future letter")--Due by midnight 5/12
    Write Unit Advice/group of 2-3 assignment--write a snippit of advice for EACH unit.
    *Email me an electronic version (subject needs to be "unit advice")--Due by midnight 5/16
    Draw a Sketch for my walls
    Sign up to bring something for our S'Mores event next class
    Make S'Mores
    5/20 (A)
    Watch Osmosis Jones (Mrs. Linden was absent)
    5/24 (A)
    Get lit on Fire!!!
    Sign up to bring supplies for the Tie Dye Event (will take place on WEDNESDAY June 1)
    If you forgot what you signed up for, click here for third period or here for seventh period.
    5/26 (A)
    Make Solar Cells out of Blackberry Juice
    6/1 (A-senior rally)
    Tie Dye Shirts
    Sign up to bring something for our Ice Cream event that will take place on the day of finals

    6/3 (C-modified)
    Motivational Talk from Mrs. Linden
    6/7,8 (Finals)
    Make Ice Cream
    Play the Wii

Last Modified on August 26, 2022